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Blondie clash slightly with Bon Jovi. Will do Bon Jovi - hope at least to get some bonus Bob given we've been thoroughly shortchanged with the Rats. Then head off to see Blondie, catch last 30 mins. Bon Jovi - 3 hour slot. Blondie 1 hour.
I have an app on my iPhone. Think you can get it for Android too. It's an Isle of Wight festival app with full w/e schedule.
FFS. That's a mammoth gig even for band on their own, let alone at expense of others with so much more to offer than 30-60 mins.
I've never been a festival goer for a number of reasons. Might add this to the list.
If anyone on here wants to see a band who will only get 50 minutes at IOW do a warm up next Friday (7th) near Gatwick and hopefully play for a bit longer, send me a PM for details.
FFS. That's a mammoth gig even for band on their own, let alone at expense of others with so much more to offer than 30-60 mins.
I've never been a festival goer for a number of reasons. Might add this to the list.
If anyone on here wants to see a band who will only get 50 minutes at IOW do a warm up next Friday (7th) near Gatwick and hopefully play for a bit longer, send me a PM for details.
I've just booked a hotel for Friday night 7 June so look forward to the gig and meeting Suss, Jules and anyone else coming to see this mystery band near Gatwick on Friday night. Will be staying in hotel in SE19, close enough to the action.
Not sure who they are but I hear they are rather good
-- Edited by noelindublin on Monday 3rd of June 2013 02:15:23 PM
I sincerely hope you're not flying in to Gatwick to go all the way up to SE19 when gig is 2 miles from airport
Assume Heathrow?
Look forward to seeing you there either way.
My plan is to get the fast ferry to Holyhead and then the train down to London. Depart Dublin 8.45 am Arrive Holyhead 10.45
Then train to Chester or Crewe, change for London Euston. Should be in London at about 4.30 so plenty of time to get down to the venue which is near Crawley according to Google maps.
I have the option of changing to a hotel at/near Gatwick and flying back which is what I am looking into at the moment.
update- have booked 7pm flight from Gatwick so will spent Saturday in central London. Single train/rail to London was 55 Euros and single flight Gatwick to Dublin, with Aer Lingus, was £49, so overall costs not too bad.
Ryanair were offering a return flight Dublin to Gatwick for 250 Euros. The fast ferry/ rail and single flight option is nearly 150 Euros cheaper. Certainly pays to do your research! Looking forward to this beat group.
-- Edited by noelindublin on Monday 3rd of June 2013 04:20:28 PM
Yeah, I hear they're rather excellent too. . Look forward to seeing you. We met at Islington didn't we?
Just very briefly and we didn't get a chance to speak. I remember Scottie and you were bend on leaving the pub very early to get to the front of the queue for Bob. Hopefully will get a chance to talk a bit more.
Really don't get why they do this. Vast majority of orders must be in at least a month before, so all it does is squeeze the period in which failed deliveries can (or can't!) get handled. Also must be more than a few attendees who incorporate festivals into a holiday so won't be at home when tickets eventually hit their doormat.
Apart from the risk of cancellation, increasingly remote as the days go by and surely known on the sales front before now, why else would do they withhold despatch? Anyone know?
That makes sense, although it doesn't work even with sellouts. Viagogo/StubHub etc all facilitate sales before the physical ticket is issued. Guess it limits the touts in the pub approach though.
Well mine was waiting for me when I got home Now will have to put in a safe place and not lose it! It recommends you ask a friend to help you put it on though - so grateful for any assistance as it's obviously a bit tricky!
I see that would reduce a lot of eBay type sales. But many people have got them already so they'd have plenty of time to auction them still.
You can't buy or sell tickets on eBay anymore. Pity. Just secondary sites with exorbitant fees. I saw a ticket for The Marquee gig in Cork on Seatwave for £30, but by the time all the fees were added on it was over £50. eBay was a handy way of getting cheap tickets.
We will be there much earlier. We plan to get out of Oxford at midday, so we don't get any traffic problems. Although, we will go in the town and hang around there for a while and get something to eat there, then maybe head there about 5 ish?? No hurry!
This time next week.... We will be anticipating the very imminent gig. Hopefully warm and dry and enjoying the last couple of Steve Harley tracks. Can you tell I'm a little bit excited?
By the way my wristbands turned up yesterday. A very happy Rat.