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My wife heard this. But she seemed to think that Bob would either be on Chris Evans R2 show either this Friday or on Monday, where he will make an announcement.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were a tour. I had a quick look at Pete Briquettes facebook page and a question was posted to him (around March time) asking about a tour of major UK cities was gonna happen. He replied that maybe later in the year. So from that reply they were at least thinking about it in March. Maybe 3 months on and things have been firmed up?
Might just be something about getting several bands together to record a single in aid of Syria or somewhere I suppose....
Enough trouble in Syria without Geldof getting involved, and taking sides. More likely to be some tour dates, but you never know. Maybe he's having an affair with Chris and they want to make it public??
My wife heard this. But she seemed to think that Bob would either be on Chris Evans R2 show either this Friday or on Monday, where he will make an announcement.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were a tour. I had a quick look at Pete Briquettes facebook page and a question was posted to him (around March time) asking about a tour of major UK cities was gonna happen. He replied that maybe later in the year. So from that reply they were at least thinking about it in March. Maybe 3 months on and things have been firmed up?
Pete told me the band would be playing in Dublin and Belfast, but did not mention when, nor did I ask him, as I presumed it was sometime down the line, in the future.
Lets hope if they do play, the start small, and choose smallish venues, so that there are no embarrassing cancellations.
I think medium sized venues around 1,500 cap would be within their reach. I don't recall them struggling to fill venues, even when they struggled to sell records. I think a lot of people will remember the good times that they had when seeing the Rats (and the Rats were/are a damm fine live band) and being in the main in their 40s will want to recapture that.
So, hopefully they will visit Leeds and the Academy
Might just be something about getting several bands together to record a single in aid of Syria or somewhere I suppose....
Enough trouble in Syria without Geldof getting involved, and taking sides. More likely to be some tour dates, but you never know. Maybe he's having an affair with Chris and they want to make it public??
If I knew what irony was I might claim I intended that. Either way it was tongue in cheek as if to say just when the band is going places Geldof gets distracted...again.
I'll admit to that age - but maybe some might be nearer/in the next decade?? Or maybe it's that dodgy Ipad again and it's mixing up the numbers now too!
But there are some youngsters lurking somewhere no doubt! Or maybe we can all claim to be in our second childhood