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Despite that and where it was published its pretty good:
The comments page at the end says that any comments deemed to be libelous will be removed, yet some of the comments made are clearly that. then again does the Daily mail know what libelous is?
I spell within the restraints of the profanity filter. I read lots of papers. Guardian, Independent, Telegraph among others. I avoid the Murdoch papers and The Daily Mail/Daily Express.
-- Edited by ArrGee on Tuesday 3rd of September 2013 08:27:45 AM
The comments page at the end says that any comments deemed to be libelous will be removed, yet some of the comments made are clearly that. then again does the Daily mail know what libelous is?
Haven't read today's updates but as at last night I was quite shocked at the level of vitriol and malevolence in majority of comments, especially from all those who freely admitted they hadn't even read the article.
I really don't get why so many people have it in for Bob and the band. If I'm not overly impressed by a band I just ignore..simple as that. They, and Geldof in particular, seem to attract more venom than could ever be justified. I really thought that had all died out early 80s but seems like he's just a natural target as soon as any limelight picks him out.
I'm really looking forward to the tour, as are hundreds if not thousands of others I imagine. Can't say I'm looking forward to the simultaneous scorn of all the ignorant feckers who've never bothered to listen beyond Mondays or always take Geldof's often sardonic comments seriously.
Anyone who reads the Daily Mail is a cnut. I don't know why people bother to make comments. If I see an article on Phil Collins, I simply ignore it. No point in writing about him. I got into an argument recently when I called Martin Samuel, a Mail football columnist, a lump of lard. I mean if you look at the homophobic bigot he obviously weighs more than three average males, so I was absolutely right
Most of the comments on Geldof and the Rats music strike me as being written out of much ignorance, possibly by people who were not around in the late seventies to fully know how important the Rats and Geldof were.
This comment is just pitiful:
"Rock star" I don't think so, he created a pop group Boom Town Rats off the backs of the. Bay City. Rollers, at least Les Mckeown was a dude and could sing.
- Brit , Manchester, United Kingdom, 01/9/2013 23:32
Anyone who reads the Daily Mail is a cnut. I don't know why people bother to make comments. If I see an article on Phil Collins, I simply ignore it. No point in writing about him. I got into an argument recently when I called Martin Samuel, a Mail football columnist, a lump of lard. I mean if you look at the homophobic bigot he obviously weighs more than three average males, so I was absolutely right
Most of the comments on Geldof and the Rats music strike me as being written out of much ignorance, possibly by people who were not around in the late seventies to fully know how important the Rats and Geldof were.
This comment is just pitiful:
"Rock star" I don't think so, he created a pop group Boom Town Rats off the backs of the. Bay City. Rollers, at least Les Mckeown was a dude and could sing.
- Brit , Manchester, United Kingdom, 01/9/2013 23:32
That seems a very immature comment. I'd be interested to know how old this person is. They know of the BTRs and BCRs but clearly know absolutely nothing about them whatsoever.
Anyone who reads the Daily Mail is a cnut. I don't know why people bother to make comments. If I see an article on Phil Collins, I simply ignore it. No point in writing about him. I got into an argument recently when I called Martin Samuel, a Mail football columnist, a lump of lard. I mean if you look at the homophobic bigot he obviously weighs more than three average males, so I was absolutely right
Isn't that being fatphobic?
No, I don't dislike him because he's fat; he has plenty of other characteristics that are detestable