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Lately whenever I see a half decent gig, I am amazed at the ticket prices. Latest is Specials for just shy of £50 at The Roundhouse. Not sure they are that special... The Rats, Damned (with very good suppport) and Franz Ferdinand all did the same venue for less than £30. Even Arcade Fire were cheaper. I also quite fancied seeing Arctic Monkeys this summer, but again the thought of paying £70 one all the fees and special delivery were added made me think twice.
Maybe the Rats can do another Irish gig. Excluding beer, I spent less than £70 to see them in Cork (planes, buses, taxis etc.).
I'm having to forgo other gigs to save for Rats gigs. Arctic Monkeys would be fab, but I could probably do a ticket and hotel stay for that to see the Rats. .
I'm having to forgo other gigs to save for Rats gigs.
Ah, I'm not doing that! It's just there are bands I'd like to see but when I see the ticket prices I'm just amazed people pay that. If the Rats charged £50 for a gig I'd probably pay it but if it's a band I'm not that worried about I'd pass. Good job I like the less popular bands, rarely pay more than £30, £40 for Arcade Fire is really pushing the boat out.
I'd probably pay a lot to see Bowie. Outside that the acts I really like generally don't charge much. The only time I faced that dilemma was for Happy Mondays at Brixton, but luckily I had a free £50 voucher, so I used it to get the ticket for less than £10. £50 is about my limit. Have gone over it for Stone Roses and Pulp, but they were one offs.
Did see U2 once, luckily it was free. Still feels like a wasted tube fare.
-- Edited by ArrGee on Wednesday 19th of February 2014 12:51:08 PM
Tickets for gigs in Ireland are pretty expensive, especially for any big name acts. Still Garth Brooks can sell out 5 nights at Croke Park with a capacity of about 80,000. Great that the Rats tickets both in Ireland and the Uk were comparitively good value.
I don't really go to many gigs, mainly because I prefer recorded music. Most of the gigs I did attend when I was a bit younger were the indie/alternative type, where bands were starting out, and therefore generally the ticket prices were affordable. This was before a lot of these bands became 'heritage acts', and later could capatilise on their fame with high ticket charges (, cement flowers etc)
Because I go to gigs less frequently nowadays I wouldn't mind paying a little extra. But there are very few bands I would really care to see, that is the irony. Sometimes I think of all the money I have saved by not going to certain gigs. Add all the hearing and liver damage and staying at home might not be a bad option sometimes!
Our friend Lost In Music of this parish, told me about all the money she had spend going to Leonard Cohen gigs. She explained how bringing a full complement of professional musicians can be an expensive thing, so that's why the tickest for Lennie are so expensive. Not as if he's livin' the rock and roll lifestyle and spending it all on wine and women etc! Sometimes the 'big parade' has to be paid for.
It would be interesting to see if there are any well known acts who consistently overcharge for tickets. But again it's probably not the artists themselves but the ticket agency and all the other people who want a slice of the rock and roll pie, that the thing just excalates out of control.
Tickets for the football can be expensive to sit on a bucket seat in the freezing cold, and not even be guaranteed a goal.
Our mutual music friend did spend a lot on travel and hotel accommodation, in addition to ticket prices.
I did hear that despite enormous sales and complete sell outs U2 nearly bankrupted themselves on one tour, with all the added glamour and show. People seem to buy tickets no matter what they cost.
Live music is something I love, it seems the ultimate thing for me when I enjoy a band, but the high prices are definitely leaving me behind.
... a full complement of professional musicians can be an expensive thing
Maybe, but for the proms or any of the other classical extravaganzas held at the Albert Hall, the tickets are reasonably priced and there are 70-100 musicians to be paid plus other staff. Touring incurs additional costs but even so the prices charged by the likes of the Stones are just ridiculous. Even worse are the Golden Circles that mean you pay even more to get somewhere near the band.
The Rats have been pretty reasonable with the ticket prices. Well except for the Australia/New Zealand dates...
Our mutual music friend did spend a lot on travel and hotel accommodation, in addition to ticket prices.
I did hear that despite enormous sales and complete sell outs U2 nearly bankrupted themselves on one tour, with all the added glamour and show. People seem to buy tickets no matter what they cost.
Live music is something I love, it seems the ultimate thing for me when I enjoy a band, but the high prices are definitely leaving me behind.
I actually meant Musicmania but called her Lost In Music! For what it's worth Lost In Music is a great song by Sister Sledge, weirdly coverd by The Fall at one stage.
I've never liked U2 or once bought any of their records. Yes they are not to my taste, and some of the touring they do, and the huge big sets are just way over the top. Sometimes this kind of stage set is there to distract from the songs. Way too bombastic and ott.
... a full complement of professional musicians can be an expensive thing
Maybe, but for the proms or any of the other classical extravaganzas held at the Albert Hall, the tickets are reasonably priced and there are 70-100 musicians to be paid plus other staff. Touring incurs additional costs but even so the prices charged by the likes of the Stones are just ridiculous. Even worse are the Golden Circles that mean you pay even more to get somewhere near the band.
The Rats have been pretty reasonable with the ticket prices. Well except for the Australia/New Zealand dates...
Most of the bands I'd ever want to see seem to be affordable- it's the old indie ethic. I suppose in the end we all have upper limits in terms of what we will, or can affort to shell out.
A sample of upcoming Irish ticket prices from Ticketmasterie
Bob Dylan June 02 Dublin Euro 65-76
Arctic Monkeys Marlay Park, Dublin Eu 61.50
Lady Gaga October Eu 175- not a misprint 175 euros. Shes doing about 4 nights, prices are for Friday.
Robbie Williams Belfast Odyssey Arena £130 GBP
Or you could see Maximo Park at Whelans for Eu 22 -much better value and music. Midlake at Vicar st is EU 23 so again the alternative acts come up as better value and interesting music.
Lost in Music would be a good name for me All my gallivanting after Leonard for the last few years has me skint but that isn't stopping me going to a load of concerts and shows this year again. One artist I am giving a miss is Ennio Morricone. Would love to see him live but even for me 156 is too expensive The "cheap" are not worth it in my opinion. I wouldn't dare try and add up the amount I've spent over the years on concert tickets/flights/hotels etc. I did add up what I've planned for this year so far and it is close to 700 (maybe I shouldn't have done that!!). Most of the tickets were bought before skint status! Thank G-d for Aldi or I'd starve. Finished studying at the end of March and hoping to find paid employment asap to feed my addiction!
-- Edited by musicmania on Monday 24th of February 2014 06:42:15 PM
Regards, Musicmania...
“To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.” Aaron Copland.
I'm just watching the news about the reunion of Monty Python. Not music, but something I'd have really loved to see. But the cost of it was outrageous. Glad to see the Rats tickets are still under £30. More like it!!
Glad to see the Rats tickets are still under £30. More like it!!
It is good that the tickets are a reasonable price, just a shame that fees add to it. I did check out Cambridge Junction and they only charge £1 in fees and let you collect the ticket on the night, so I will probably book direct. Sadly the option doesn't exist for the Forum date.
I paid £60 to see Iron Maiden at the O2 in London last year, but they are fantastic live. They also made sure it was a ticketless gig so you could only get in with the card you used to pay for the monstrously inflated prices on Ebay for that one!
My gripe is the cost of the big festivals - Download alone costs more than £200!! Chilfest and the like will do me nicely. Only £32.50 for the Friday evening.
Ticket price is one thing but what riled me was policy on ticket postage for the Germany gigs. No option to print or collect, and for outside Germany (Austria and Switzerland) it costs 34.90 Euros to have a ticket sent to UK. Apparently due to insurance. Outrageous! Almost same cost as Easyjet flight
Most of the bands I'd ever want to see seem to be affordable- it's the old indie ethic. I suppose in the end we all have upper limits in terms of what we will, or can affort to shell out.
A sample of upcoming Irish ticket prices from Ticketmasterie
Bob Dylan June 02 Dublin Euro 65-76
Arctic Monkeys Marlay Park, Dublin Eu 61.50
Lady Gaga October Eu 175- not a misprint 175 euros. Shes doing about 4 nights, prices are for Friday.
Robbie Williams Belfast Odyssey Arena £130 GBP
Or you could see Maximo Park at Whelans for Eu 22 -much better value and music. Midlake at Vicar st is EU 23 so again the alternative acts come up as better value and interesting music.
Squeeze - £71.50 @ Royal Albert Hall - World has gone totally crazy.
Most of the bands I'd ever want to see seem to be affordable- it's the old indie ethic. I suppose in the end we all have upper limits in terms of what we will, or can affort to shell out.
A sample of upcoming Irish ticket prices from Ticketmasterie
Bob Dylan June 02 Dublin Euro 65-76
Arctic Monkeys Marlay Park, Dublin Eu 61.50
Lady Gaga October Eu 175- not a misprint 175 euros. Shes doing about 4 nights, prices are for Friday.
Robbie Williams Belfast Odyssey Arena £130 GBP
Or you could see Maximo Park at Whelans for Eu 22 -much better value and music. Midlake at Vicar st is EU 23 so again the alternative acts come up as better value and interesting music.
Squeeze - £71.50 @ Royal Albert Hall - World has gone totally crazy.
That's before the Bots get to work too!There was a good hour long programme on Radio 5 live last Sunday morning about tickets scalpers, bots and all that.Programme was 5 Live Investigates, with Adrian Goldberg, found on the BBC Radio Player. Seems Iron Maiden are one of the bands that take ticket scalping and resale in a very poor light.
Apart from Leopardstown I haven't been to a gig in ages.
That's before the Bots get to work too!There was a good hour long programme on Radio 5 live last Sunday morning about tickets scalpers, bots and all that.Programme was 5 Live Investigates, with Adrian Goldberg, found on the BBC Radio Player. Seems Iron Maiden are one of the bands that take ticket scalping and resale in a very poor light.
Apart from Leopardstown I haven't been to a gig in ages.
Iron Maiden's main concern is someone else fleecing their fans rather than them. £70 to see them at The O2 in May.
I suspect my days of gig going are about to end. Last was Elvis Costello back in July and next is Julian Cope in February with no plans to see anyone else in 2017, though I may accompany Mrs. ArrGee to see Adele.
PS £100 for Guns 'n' Roses but £165 to be in the very large Golden Circle! That's the face value not the tout price. And I won't even get into the VIP packages...
Just bought tickets to see White Lies here in Oxford in February. £25 including postage.
I can top that. Richard Hawley with support from Paul Weller (yes, Weller is the support) for just £20! And I get a seat.
I have been to a few comedy shows in recent weeks which are pretty good value. Ricky Gervais was £15 and Frank Skinner just £5. Cost me more for a drink than the ticket for Skinner. Also taking advantage of the tewnty's plenty football tickets accompanying a Welsh friend to Stamford Bridge. Again, I suspect more will be spent on beer than the ticket, which is how it should be
£265 (excluding delivery) to stand near the stage and watch U2 at Twickenham? You're having a laugh!
Bring your binoculars. I did for the upper tier, though sadly I lost the caps which I have replaced with the little hats you get with innocent smoothies.
Not only are The Who making you buy their album to get pre-sale access for their Wembley gig this summer, they are also looking to fleece you for at least £80! And that is probably at the back of the upper tier. Makes the £90 I paid to see them at The O2 in the front blocks seem like a Bargain (Ill get my coat)
Not only are The Who making you buy their album to get pre-sale access for their Wembley gig this summer, they are also looking to fleece you for at least £80! And that is probably at the back of the upper tier. Makes the £90 I paid to see them at The O2 in the front blocks seem like a Bargain (Ill get my coat)
I ended up getting a ticket for £37 for this from ticketmaster in the front row of the upper tier. That was a Bargain.
I'm having to forgo other gigs to save for Rats gigs.
Ah, I'm not doing that! It's just there are bands I'd like to see but when I see the ticket prices I'm just amazed people pay that. If the Rats charged £50 for a gig I'd probably pay it but if it's a band I'm not that worried about I'd pass. Good job I like the less popular bands, rarely pay more than £30, £40 for Arcade Fire is really pushing the boat out.
PS to the Rats, please don't start charging £50!
The irony. They are charging £51 for Palladium. But I am not paying it cos I can't go that day
I can see Julian Cope at Barbican Hall for £25-£32.50 Small well located venue, nice restaurants nearby, close to tube - even at the top and rear there is a good view.
Guns n Roses are charging £100 to be outside the golden circle (£180 inside) for scum stadium! And they have sold out the first of two nights. Unbelievable.
Any true fan of Guns N' Roses. Not just any fan, but a loyal one who loves GN'R no matter what everyone else says. They love the original line-up as well as the new line-up. That also includes that Axl Rose is still amazing n' will always be! A REAL FAN! Not just someone who likes "Welcome to the Jungle", but the people who know that back story of the songs n' how the band was formed, n' the emotional stress that relationships or whatever have caused them!
Person 1- What's wrong with her? She doesn't like any modern ;music!
Even The Damned are asking top dollar. £75 + fees!!! I paid less than £25 to see them at Roundhouse (support - Spear of Destiny & Ruts) and Islington Academy not so long ago. The 40th Anniversary show at Royal Albert Hall only cost me £33 (£30 + fees).
£62 for the Halloween show last year was a lot, but it was a special show. Fair enough it is the original line up, but £75 is too much for me. Especially as it is highly unlikely to happen!
Stalls Standing Eventim Presale £74.50
Circle Seated Eventim Presale £85.50
Circle Seated Eventim Presale £74.50
Rear Circle Standing Eventim Presale £63.50
PS - Divine Comedy only cost £20 last week, and I had a seat!
I'm having to forgo other gigs to save for Rats gigs.
Ah, I'm not doing that! It's just there are bands I'd like to see but when I see the ticket prices I'm just amazed people pay that. If the Rats charged £50 for a gig I'd probably pay it but if it's a band I'm not that worried about I'd pass. Good job I like the less popular bands, rarely pay more than £30, £40 for Arcade Fire is really pushing the boat out.
PS to the Rats, please don't start charging £50!
The irony. They are charging £51 for Palladium. But I am not paying it cos I can't go that day
And of course I did pay £51, now just hoping it's not on 1st May 2021...
Todays bargain - £110 for Blondie. In November 2021.
I can't say that I fancy forking out much cash for gigs that are likely to be continually postponed and rescheduled ad infinitum. Maybe at half that price I might have bitten, but IMHO £50 is more than enough for any gig. Once you add fares, drinks and a bit of grub, it becomes a very expensive night out.
As it stands I have Rats (£51), Sparks (£75 - 2 tix), Jarvis (£35), Divine Comedy (£226 - 7 tix) and Stone Valley Festival (£43) all holding my money (some for over a year!) along with Jenny Eclair (2 tix - £40) and Ricky Gervais (2 tix - £85). Which is about £550. Hopefully the socially distanced Squeeze gig takes place in December otherwise that's another £120 (2 tix) to add.
£110/ticket is too much for something that may never happen. Last time I booked a cancelled gig, I didn't even get the delivery fee refunded.
Also See Tickets tried to get the booking fees off me for a show claiming delivery costs and so on until I pointed out they were eTickets and they had done absolutely zero. They did refund me after that.
Ryanair have proven to be the worst to get a refund from. In the end, the credit card companies refunded me.
And beware hotels on trying to charge your credit card when you have free cancellation. I took it up with one of them and they said that if I cancelled I would get the money back in 6 weeks! Fortunately I use a near zero balance card for all such bookings, so that didn't happen.
Todays bargain - £110 for Blondie. In November 2021.
I can't say that I fancy forking out much cash for gigs that are likely to be continually postponed and rescheduled ad infinitum. Maybe at half that price I might have bitten, but IMHO £50 is more than enough for any gig. Once you add fares, drinks and a bit of grub, it becomes a very expensive night out.
As it stands I have Rats (£51), Sparks (£75 - 2 tix), Jarvis (£35), Divine Comedy (£226 - 7 tix) and Stone Valley Festival (£43) all holding my money (some for over a year!) along with Jenny Eclair (2 tix - £40) and Ricky Gervais (2 tix - £85). Which is about £550. Hopefully the socially distanced Squeeze gig takes place in December otherwise that's another £120 (2 tix) to add.
£110/ticket is too much for something that may never happen. Last time I booked a cancelled gig, I didn't even get the delivery fee refunded.
Also See Tickets tried to get the booking fees off me for a show claiming delivery costs and so on until I pointed out they were eTickets and they had done absolutely zero. They did refund me after that.
Ryanair have proven to be the worst to get a refund from. In the end, the credit card companies refunded me.
And beware hotels on trying to charge your credit card when you have free cancellation. I took it up with one of them and they said that if I cancelled I would get the money back in 6 weeks! Fortunately I use a near zero balance card for all such bookings, so that didn't happen.
Rant over!
Was going to Spain in April 2020. Jet2. com were great and refunded me for outbound within 3 weeks (should have been 7 days in law as they cancelled on me but I understand unprecedented etc etc) but I am STILL waiting for Ryanair for return leg. Then a couple of weeks ago up pops Michael O'Leary proclaiming everyone has been reimbursed. I know several who haven't and Ryanair stating they will only refund once the credit note expires. Totally against the law which is on the side of cash refunds. Paid by debit card and charge back not as successful as section 75 claims on a credit card.
I forgot another £200 (2 tix) for Les Mis in January, but this is socially distanced and should happen.
However, that has a cast of 50+ and theatrical staging unlike The Damned (though their Halloween show last year did) and Blondie. Also I get a comfy seat in the third row of the stalls. Now with extra legroom.
Interesting follow up on ticket price (well maybe). Blondie, The Damned and Maximo Park all went on sale yesterday. The former have stacks of tickets available whilst Maximo Park sold out and announced a second night at Earth. Maybe the ticket price of £28.50 including fees had a lot to do with it.
£52.60 for suede at Brixton. Standing. Crazy. Only cost me £25, £30, £35 for a nice comfy seat for Divine Comedy at Barbican last week.
As luck would have it, got a suede ticket for £29 at Electric Ballroom which is better in so many ways. Makes up for the 216 Euro I paid for Ireland v Scotland in rugby next year and the £53 I paid for Roxy Music.
Even The Damned are asking top dollar. £75 + fees!!! I paid less than £25 to see them at Roundhouse (support - Spear of Destiny & Ruts) and Islington Academy not so long ago. The 40th Anniversary show at Royal Albert Hall only cost me £33 (£30 + fees).
£62 for the Halloween show last year was a lot, but it was a special show. Fair enough it is the original line up, but £75 is too much for me. Especially as it is highly unlikely to happen!
Seems the promoter for The Damned overpriced this one. Bagged myself a couple of standing tickets for less than £25 for Saturday
I've just bought tickets for a show at the London Palladium and they were £45, which was a bit pricey. What startled me the most was hotel prices. We wanted to stay in Fitzrovia and despite booking 8 weeks in advance, the cheapest room we could get was £240 for a double with breakfast. Last time I stayed in London, I got a deal in 2017 at the Grange near Tower Bridge for £99!
I am approaching early retirement and I intend to be prudent, but also spend a bit more. There are more highly socialist moves coming from Hunt /Sunak which make me wonder if there's much point in having been cautious and saved for this part of my life.
I've just bought tickets for a show at the London Palladium and they were £45, which was a bit pricey. What startled me the most was hotel prices. We wanted to stay in Fitzrovia and despite booking 8 weeks in advance, the cheapest room we could get was £240 for a double with breakfast. Last time I stayed in London, I got a deal in 2017 at the Grange near Tower Bridge for £99!
I am approaching early retirement and I intend to be prudent, but also spend a bit more. There are more highly socialist moves coming from Hunt /Sunak which make me wonder if there's much point in having been cautious and saved for this part of my life.
Was going to see Pulp in Dublin until I saw a couple of nights at a hotel was going to cost over 400 Euro.
Having retired last month, I am spending my money before the blue socialists help themselves to it. A few gigs and trips planned, though more rural than Dublin
Tonight I saw Embrace and Razorlight do a pair of exceptional sets for nothing. Well, apart from the price of a couple of cans of beers and a small bottle of Prosecco.
Elvis Costello - £58-£125 at London Palladium, though truth be told there are no half decent seats for less than £97. 10 years ago I paid £45 to see him at Royal Albert Hall in row F of the arena (6th row). In 2016, row H at Palladium for £65. Similar at Palladium next year is £125.
Have to recommend Twickets as a great way of buying unwanted tickets. Saw From The Jam + The Skids last night for £18 which was less than half the price on Swings and roundabouts as I have sold some tickets for half what I paid for them so to get tickets at half price makes up for it. Obviously doesn't work for very popular gigs, but I am not looking to go to them
In the last couple of days I have got good seats at face value for Tom Robinson in Blackheath for £28 and Mary Wallopers at Troxy for £30. Also got a half price ticket for Hugh Cornwell in Islington (£16). But the best of all is a fiver to see Dr. Feelgood in Camden. All combined still a lot cheaper than Bruce Springsteen at Wembley
How much for an Oasis standing ticket at Wembley? I am going to guess at £150 outside golden circle
Luckily no golden circle. As I am a loyal Oasis fan I got a pre sale link and bagged 4 tickets. As a loving father I gave them to me son and his friends. As a cynic, I wasn't going to pay £150 to see a heritage band. As a Fenian Cnut, I am off to see Fontaines DC and Kneecap next summer instead.
I have been priced out of Premier League football.It seems everything is just costing more.People want over £30 just to send a record to Denmark now.
Not only am I priced out of Arsenal, I have to pay £50+ so I can enter a ballot for a 25% or less chance of getting a ticket. So membership cancelled. Luckily I know some season ticket holders who will sell me their tickets for the odd game. Nowadays I follow Orient. £10 for FA Cup at end of month.
Luckily, Amazon delivery free and I have an LP arriving at Post Office this week for collection. Must not forget it.
Tottenham charged me and the mrs £120 ( per season) and we could never get tickets together so we dropped it.Then one of the official partners charged us £250 each for a plate of food(no drinks) and a match ticket.Bye bye is all I have to say.Now me and the mrs follow Wrexham and much to my surprise I fell in love with them.Strange you mention Orient I might be over in February for the Wrexham-Orient match.
Tottenham charged me and the mrs £120 ( per season) and we could never get tickets together so we dropped it.Then one of the official partners charged us £250 each for a plate of food(no drinks) and a match ticket.Bye bye is all I have to say.Now me and the mrs follow Wrexham and much to my surprise I fell in love with them.Strange you mention Orient I might be over in February for the Wrexham-Orient match.
If you are going to Wrexham, let me know. A couple of us are planning to go there. I will of course be with the mighty Os!
I'm having to forgo other gigs to save for Rats gigs.
Ah, I'm not doing that! It's just there are bands I'd like to see but when I see the ticket prices I'm just amazed people pay that. If the Rats charged £50 for a gig I'd probably pay it but if it's a band I'm not that worried about I'd pass. Good job I like the less popular bands, rarely pay more than £30, £40 for Arcade Fire is really pushing the boat out.
PS to the Rats, please don't start charging £50!
The irony. They are charging £51 for Palladium. But I am not paying it cos I can't go that day
And of course I did pay £51, now just hoping it's not on 1st May 2021...
£73 for Eventim Apollo. Ouch! Still yet to pay more than £100 for a gig, but it is coming...