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So one day in study hall last week a friend of mine and I made an obscure reference to "I Don't Like Mondays" and laughed about it for a few minutes. Another friend of mine asked what we were talking about, so my response was (naturally) to pull out my MP3 player and let her listen to "Mondays." Her response was, first "That was a great song!" and second, "Are they Irish? He sounded Irish" (Which surprised me, because no-one in America usually is able to pick up the Irish-ness in the music, ever. Everyone who has heard of them thinks they're British.
She said she was going to go download the song, and I (of course) said don't bother, I'll make you a copy of one of their CDs. And the rest is history- another Rats fan born!
Do we all have stories like this? Of Spreading the Word of Bob, if you will?
Joe Gravellese
There's always someone looking at you.
Do we all have stories like this? Of Spreading the Word of Bob, if you will?
I've not exactly spread the gospel, but I have turned around a few heretics.
Normally the gist of the conversation is the Rats were a singles band, and I say Ok, what singles? If I'm lucky I get Rat Trap as well as Mondays. It's all they have normally heard. So then I put on Tonic and hey presto, instant conversion!
Another method is to mention Looking after Number One, Mary, Kicks, Clockwork, She's So modern, Someone's Looking, Banana Republic... At which point, people normally say they like a few of those, and forgot they did so much good stuff.
Thing is that most people of my age have heard the Rats but generally it's only Mondays or the Fine Art of Surfacing which aren't that representative.
Your methods wouldn't really work in my case because in my generation and in my country, nobody knows anything about the Rats except maybe the scant few who know of "I Don't Like Mondays" (although they probably aren't aware of the fact that it was the Rats anyways).
But yeah, it's not like I'm actively out telling everyone, but hey, if anyone shows interest.. I'm more than willing to play them a few songs.
Joe Gravellese
There's always someone looking at you.
Living in the US, finding someone who's ever heard of the Boomtown Rats is hard to come by. I did end up converting my friends, after putting an old "Best Of the Boomtown Rats" (The Columbia one given to me by my mother much earlier) on his Xbox. He at first liked "She's So Modern" and moved from there. When I got the first two CDs of the Remasters, I had him at least listen to Tonic. He really liked it, and he even know's Sir Bob's Full name (Sir Robert Frederick X(or Z)enon Geldof). He's also watched Tonic at Hammersmith Odeon and the Rat's performance at Live Aid with me. He's probably the only person who know's who I'm talking about when I bring up Bob!