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This contains an explosive live version of Born To Burn and version of Barefootin' which is not the one on the b side of Looking After No One.
Also rare live So Strange and It's All The Range. Have just heard this for the first time today so well worth a listen.
Noel. If yous happen to have live Germany 78. So Strange and . It's All The Rage. Are on this format.
Yes I have the live in Germany DVD and those two songs are on it. Did you download the Amsterdam gig? First time I ever heard live version of Born To Burn and it's really good, and pretty rare.
-- Edited by Noel on Thursday 11th of June 2020 09:36:52 AM
This contains an explosive live version of Born To Burn and version of Barefootin' which is not the one on the b side of Looking After No One.
Also rare live So Strange and It's All The Range. Have just heard this for the first time today so well worth a listen.
Noel. If yous happen to have live Germany 78. So Strange and . It's All The Rage. Are on this format.
Yes I have the live in Germany DVD and those two songs are on it. Did you download the Amsterdam gig? First time I ever heard live version of Born To Burn and it's really good, and pretty rare.
-- Edited by Noel on Thursday 11th of June 2020 09:36:52 AM
This is a very comprehensive list of gigs, even more so than the 'known tour dates' one. The pics were taken by Barry Schultz photography at the Rats hotel before the gig at the Paridiso in January 1978.
-- Edited by Noel on Sunday 14th of June 2020 09:44:34 AM
-- Edited by Noel on Sunday 14th of June 2020 09:47:54 AM
This is a very comprehensive list of gigs, even more so than the 'known tour dates' one.
They listed first gig twice. On balance it seems more likely to have been on Halloween (Friday night). As the direct lift of my post suggests. Compare with,_1975_Bolton_St_College_of_Technology,_Dublin,_IRE
October 31, 1975 Bolton St College of Technology, Dublin, IRE (This was the "Rats" first gig. At the time they were known as the "Nightlife Thugs". This is believed to be the only gig they played under this name)
November 4, 1975 Kevin Street Tech, Dublin, IRE (The First Ever Gig)
PS I did attempt a list of all the gigs ever played here¶m=Gigography but it has a lot of gaps. I only put gigs up with some verification they actually happened or were at least scheduled.
Probably still in bed in his hotel room after a late night in Groningen the previous day. I've chopped up the Paridiso gig into individual mp3's, and overall it's fantastic.
I'm curious about the live in Amsterdam Barefootin' which was on b side of Looking After No 1. The single was released in August 1977 so Barefootin' must have been recorded sometime before. Rats are listed as having played the Melkweg (Milky Way) at an unknown date before May 77 on the 'known tour dates ' .
Another interesting thing about the Paridiso gig is that only three songs from the yet to be released Tonic For The Troops are played . Either they were sticking with the known and trusted debut album songs and b sides which is likely or the Tonic album was still being written.
Probably still in bed in his hotel room after a late night in Groningen the previous day. I've chopped up the Paridiso gig into individual mp3's, and overall it's fantastic.
I'm curious about the live in Amsterdam Barefootin' which was on b side of Looking After No 1. The single was released in August 1977 so Barefootin' must have been recorded sometime before. Rats are listed as having played the Melkweg (Milky Way) at an unknown date before May 77 on the 'known tour dates ' .
Another interesting thing about the Paridiso gig is that only three songs from the yet to be released Tonic For The Troops are played . Either they were sticking with the known and trusted debut album songs and b sides which is likely or the Tonic album was still being written.
I have also seen it stated Barefootin was recorded in Dublin. Which I think is more likely. Also they may well have been recording A Tonic for The Troops in early 1978 at nearby Hilversum while playing these dates. Pretty certain it was recorded in the Netherlands, but cant find anything to back up my memory.
i had to re register,if you want the original cassette,im getting rid of thousands of tapes,since my extreme tinnitus,makes listening impossiblr
the highest bidder gets it,free shipping
hans de vente
Thanks for recording it back in the day Hans. It's great to have a rare and historic document of the Rats, and a lot of the songs like Born to Burn, So Strange, All The Rage, Barefootin don't appear to often. The concert is great too for Geldof's talking to the audience and song introductions and the overall atmosphere is raw and exciting.
Sorry to hear about your tinnitus and best of luck.