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I don't know if anyone else was listening to 5 Live this evening at around 6.30pm, but the Boomtown Rats had a very bizarre mention during the news programme. A reporter was building up to the Crystal Palace versus Sunderland match that was kicking off later that evening, and whilst referring to Sunderland and their nickname being the Black Cats, the reporter managed to mention the Boomtown Rats. Following the report the presenter of the news programme commented "well done on getting the Boomtown Rats name into that news report!!!!".
I'd only just switched on the radio so not sure if there had been any news article on the Rats prior to this, but most bizarre. Anyone else hear this or was I imagining it!!!!!!!!
You weren't dreaming Timbo! I heard it too and the sports presenter was basically saying Sunderland have not won a Premier League match on a Monday for years and years, ie less Black Cats, More Boomtown Rats!
Female presenter: Well done Guy on shoehorning the Boomtown Rats into the sport, or words to that effect.
Thanks for the confirmation as it was a most bizarre mention to the Rats that i think I've heard in the media!!!!!!!!
I wondered if the sports presenter had mentioned beforehand something about the Rats and someone had challenged him to mention them during his broadcast.
As i say i'd only just switched the radio on so no idea as to what was discussed beforehand.
A few months back on the Danny Baker Saturday morning on 5 Live, show a guy was telling some weird story about one of his mates who happened to be dressed in a pair of pyjamas.(regular listeners of the Danny Baker show will know the mad stories regularly recounted)
Quick as a flash Danny, clarifying the story, replied, something like 'so here was your mate, dressed up like a member of The Boomtown Rats...'
There was an interview with Phil Williams on 5 Live a couple of weeks ago, around 11.30. Geldof was talking about how he read Woody Guthrie and John steinbeck and how the helped him formulate an opinion on the poverty and down and out scene he encountered in Dublin when he worked for Simon, the Irish charity. It's available as a podcast, and was available for regular playback up to a few days ago.
Re 5 Live I really love Peter Allen. Tony Livesey is quite good too as a replacement.Funny I was listening to the Palace Sunderland match while doing other things last night. I would say BBC 5 Live is the best British radio station.
I shuttle between Radio 2 and 5 Live on the commute. Both are good company.
I like 5 live as I don't like chirpy dj's who talk about celebrity culture and most of them don't like music either. Radio 4 is very civilised but can be a bit stuffy. Amazing how anyone who moves from 5 live to Radio 4 suddenly adopts a stuffy formal Radio 4 presenters accent.
Also notice how sometimes you get a whole slew of miserable stories on the radio. Phone ins about terrorism, immigration, cancer, any impending doom and things that you should be worried about. As Danny Baker regularly jokes about BBC News 'unless you are cowering in fear we are not doing our job properly...'