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They're all really good b sides apart from Can't Stop which was a distinctly average album track. OK, Hard Times was also an album track but it fully deserved potentially getting a wider audience by becoming Dave's b side.
I just think it's Tonic's weakest track by some margin. Never mind Can't Stop, more a case of Please Stop!
I think it is a good song and fits the album really well.For me there is no weak songs on ATFTT.Remember getting it as a christmas present back in 1978 and it blew me away.Rat Trap started my love and ATFTT kept it rolling.Now my collection stands at about 400 Rats/Geldof cds and records.
I think it is a good song and fits the album really well. For me there is no weak songs on ATFTT. Rat Trap started my love and ATFTT kept it rolling.
100% agree. I think Can't Stop more than merits it place on the album and the UK version of ATFTT is better overall than the US version because of it.
However, I ain't got 400 Geldof/Rats records. I have a lot but not that many. Only Rats recordings I really want are At Home and Away and the Virgin/Ensign demo. Mp3s will do.
I love this song too. I'm not sure if there is a weak song on this album as all the songs on this album have their merits. However, if I'm pressed I'd place CAN'T STOP above LIVING IN AN ISLAND, SHE'S SO MODERN, and on a par with DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ. My personal favourite on this album is NORMAL PEOPLE. However, must stress all the songs on this album are worth their place.
I also think Normal People is brilliant and is up there with Rat Trap and Eva Braun. Love the clever Jack and Jill verse.
Can't Stop appeals no more or less than when I first heard it. I don't skip it as much as Charmed Lives or the Little Death, but for me this differentiates Tonic, very marginally, from Surfacing. Nothing is skipped on TFAOS.
Tonic is a hard album to beat. But the 1st album is also hard to beat Joey,Mary.Close as u'ill ever be,Shes goanna do u in I can make it, Not one bad song on this album
Yeah I know what you mean. First two are my faves - I guess sometimes I prefer the first album, which has a rawer feel, and other times Tonic if I'm in a more "polished" type of mood! Both absolutely brilliant though, and I like all the songs on them.
The first 3 albums are excellent and apart from Banana Republic, contribute to all the songs played in the current Geldof- fronted gigs. I think the tracks chosen are spot on; Can't Stop and I Can Make It are probably wisely omitted. I would welcome anything from Surfacing and think Wind Chill Factor live is superb.
Banana Republic is tremendous, my opinion . They are right to leave out I can make it. It's one of my favourite, but the tempo is wrong. I'd be happy for an occasional airing of Can't Stop.
I agree - Banana and Graveyard are two tremendous singles. I meant that, now they have dropped Graveyard from their repertoire, Banana is the only song they play which is not from the first 3 albums.
Listening to the '83 gig recently, reminded how good Surfacing tracks were live. It's great to hear Mondays, Diamond, SLAY, WTNC and Picture live, but Wind Chill Factor and Nothing Happened sounded great from that gig.
Yes it was Tonic today but if i get up and want to put the world to rights in the morning it will be the first album tomorrow, sometimes i play surfacing in the car but rarely any other albums as my journey is about 50 minutes and i dont have time to come back to one of the better albums to make myself feel better