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Forgot to mention last one of these at 100 Club late last year, but Darren Beale will again be joining Saffron from Republica next week at Half Moon Putney. I'm going along if anyone else fancies it?
Blurb is
"Saffron from Republica will be performing a solo set with a mix of Republica hits, punk covers and new songs".
Forgot to mention last one of these at 100 Club late last year, but Darren Beale will again be joining Saffron from Republica next week at Half Moon Putney. I'm going along if anyone else fancies it?
Blurb is
"Saffron from Republica will be performing a solo set with a mix of Republica hits, punk covers and new songs".
Sometimes wish I lived in London or the environs for this kind of thing, but watching Location Location Location, I am absolutely staggered at house prices and can imagine what my money would get me!
Something has to be done. When I see decent professionals 'teaming up' with friends or colleagues only to get a 2 bed damp flat for £275,000 with no garden, garage or parking space, I wonder what has happened to this country.
Wish I could disagree but sadly can't Mark. It's not quite so painful in suburbs where I am, and transport links to gigs are good and generally run quite late. Perversely I quite like living out of town too as it makes trips into middle more exciting. Luckily I've managed to avoid commuting into middle to date, which I reckon would kill the allure of London inside a week, for me at least.
Work has taken me unexpectedly to Yeovil (where I am working dead hard, as you can tell) so doubt I'll make it back at this rate. Hope they get a decent turnout, it's a good venue.