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Ok I know it's a few months late. but better late than never.
I'm not long out the bath which is my favourite place to read books. in the bath. i put some bath salts in and some drops of clary sage oil. and i used my natural bath soap i buy from the Animal Aid website.
so the book i started to read was Is That It by Bob Geldof. I've had the book a while now but only just got into reading it. ok ok i know I'm reviewing the weyfest gig, so will i kindly get on with it, i hear you ask!! yeh I'm just explaining the motivation for coming on here. reading bits of the book was the trigger for coming here. actually i was looking for Anger is AN Energy by Mr Lydon but it wasn't where i looked, and instead came across Bob's book. and thought to myself 'hmm feels the right time'. so i picked it up from my window sill where i keep a row of books and took it into the bath with me.
i read it in a slightly weird way. i decided i would pick a page and just read. but i picked it in a certain way, not completely randomly. i 'felt' the pages with my mind. and then felt which pages i was drawn to. anyway, on with the review! of the weyfest gig that is, not the book.
Haunting. bob looked decidedly haunted. perhaps it's all those ghosts. it was weird tbh. i found the performance slightly strange. it had me haunted myself actually.
dreadzone were playing at exactly the same time on the other stage. ffs. why have two headlining acts playing the same evening. i was torn in a way, but the rats won. i just had to. i had to watch the rats. the same way i was drawn to read certain pages of the book, i am drawn to the rats strangely enough. i am drawn to them in a different more curious way to the way i am drawn to other bands and artists. the connection i feel is strong. I'm not sure what it is. and i have a wild imagination sometimes. i imagine that the connection is something real and that I'm feeling it for a reason. that there's some magical point to it all. but knowing me it's just another cruel bastard to get obsessed about. as i have done. painting the crappy arsehole with pink roses and sweet scent. ha that'd be me then. nah hopefully I've grown out of that sort of stuff by now. anyway... the weyfest gig.
i'll daresay go and see dreadzone some day. but weyfest wasn't the time for it. i liked the venue. actually i went to the rural life centre the other weekend with some friends. we strolled through the rspb conservation area amongst the dead browned leafed lavender. bet it's lovely in the summer though. i met jules and co. at weyfest in the café seating area. nice little spot. sheltered. and it wasn't too busy. and it was lovely to see everyone there.
haunting. bob looked like he hadn't slept for weeks on end. but then he always looks like that. i want to say 'disturbing'. something almost disturbing about his performance. and yet..... and yet i felt myself there... i thought he's a bit like me. goddam what is it i feel about the man. maybe it is the mystery. i dont' think he's a bastard. at least my heart says not. he was a bit weird that night. but i know that feeling. i felt like we'd visited the same places in our minds as eachother. i felt like 'I've been on that trip'. the same trips. around the universe, around the place, around our minds and externally and internally.
did anyone find the same?
it's not a criticism. most certainly not. i enjoyed it.
anyway I'm glad i went. i had a free ticket too, so that was bloody good. didn't cost me anything. and thanks to Greta for the lift back to Aldershot. great gal.
ok..... i know it wasn't your usual type of review
IT was Joan of Arc type of review and one fit for Halloween.
My memories of the gigs around that time are really mixed and blurred, due to the poor state of my health. I can't comment on being disturbed or any feeling like that, but Bob always looks sleep deprived.