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HI everyone, It's Jacki again! Well um, because I am going to Bob's concert I wrote a email to the person running the tour asking if i could meet him, and she sent the email to bob's manager and he said i could and he will get me back stage on the night!!! I am really excited but also really scared!!!!!!!!! i am going to be crying to much!! I won't know what to say!!! I am going to be so amazed! Please help me! I won't know what to do!!!!!!!!!!
Good for you. You will have a great time. I have met Bob a couple of times now and my advice is to talk to him just as you would talk to anyone else. Take your camera ,as he will happily pose for pics and sign things for you. Ask him if he is enjoying the tour and talk about the concert. He really does not like any special treatment. Let us know how you get on.
It might also be helpful to think of a few things to say beforehand. If you're like me you'll clam up.
If you enjoy the gig maybe you could tell him and which songs you particularly liked. Maybe you could ask him if he's enjoying his stay in Australia or something like that... Just a couple of ideas to begin with.
He is very, very friendly and particularly likes young fans.
HI everyone, It's Jacki again! Well um, because I am going to Bob's concert I wrote a email to the person running the tour asking if i could meet him, and she sent the email to bob's manager and he said i could and he will get me back stage on the night!!! I am really excited but also really scared!!!!!!!!! i am going to be crying to much!! I won't know what to say!!! I am going to be so amazed! Please help me! I won't know what to do!!!!!!!!!! Love Jacki
Ok I've one word of advice, DON'T start crying! Bob doesn't like fans doing that. I've never seen what he is like to fans like that but from reading his bio he doesn't appreciate it! It will be an experience of a lifetime though so ENJOY!
Regards, Musicmania...
“To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.” Aaron Copland.
your soo lucky.i'm beginning to feel left out again
yup i feel the same way so don't feel so bad. i'm in the same god damn leaky boat lol. i can't help not being allowed to go to a different country just to go to see one concert i'm guessing you are in the same position? i'm just going to keep on hoping tht i will get to meet him one day