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BBC4 will be carrying on with the nostalgia here, meaning Geldof returns to the TOTP studio with This is the World calling in the autumn of 86. So probably just before Christmas 2018 in the reruns. I began to lose some interest in the pop scene in 86 which has declined to almost nil now after 32 years. 1998 to 2018 has seen a particularly sharp decline. Ageing I suppose?
BBC4 will be carrying on with the nostalgia here, meaning Geldof returns to the TOTP studio with This is the World calling in the autumn of 86. So probably just before Christmas 2018 in the reruns. I began to lose some interest in the pop scene in 86 which has declined to almost nil now after 32 years. 1998 to 2018 has seen a particularly sharp decline. Ageing I suppose?
A sharp decline over 20 years
Probably the decline in interest is as much to do with the way the music industry has changed since the end of ToTP and the start of the download/stream in mid-noughties. I would say that people have become better at finding the music they like rather than having to listen to a load of sh!te on Radio 1 or ToTP to hear the one or two decent songs. Spotify/Amazon/Deezer all have great playlists that you can refine. However, I have found since XFM became Radio X about three years ago, I don't really bother searching out new music.
Maybe it is aging, but even my teenage kids don't bother with what would be called the pop scene.
PS all that said, I must admit Shotgun by George Ezra is a very worthy #1 under the new steaming rules, and if it is replaced by Three Lions I could claim to be into the current pop scene
Well the decline was sharpest from say 98 to 2001 and nothing has happened in the last 18 years to cause the graph to go up much at all. Anything that comes along which provokes interest is usually Geldof-based such as Live8 or the Brits 2005!