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Narrated through her diary, the story is a fictional account of Laura, a petite self-destructive and remote teenager living a drug fuelled dead-end, latch-key existence in a Southern Californian suburb.
Mondays is a fictitious account loosely based on the first mass school shooting in California in 1979. The film takes its title from the global hit single of the same name performed by The Boomtown Rats. 'Mondays' is a chilling and perceptive insight into the life of Laura as told through her diary. A petite, self-destructive and remote teenager living a fantasy fuelled latchkey life in a Southern Californian suburb in 1979. Laura spends her time skipping school, drinking her abusive father's bourbon, and experimenting with drugs to numb her motherless, meaningless existence. "Controversial at the time, the subject matter has now become all too familiar," says film director Marcus Thompson, who co-wrote the final screenplay. "The contrast between the real world of Laura's tiny bedroom and the breath-taking vastness of the Nevada desert accentuate the sense of adventure and freedom that the mixed up and trapped teenager so desperately seeks in her solitude. Long lenses, trailing dust, and solitary travelers in vast landscapes is what American road movie cinema is all about, and 'Mondays' is cinematic Americana from beginning to end".
Israeli music star Ninet Tayeb has come on board the independent movie Tell Me Why I Dont Like Mondays.
The movie is loosely based on the 1979 shooting spree by 16-year-old Brenda Ann Spencer at a San Diego school, which left two dead and eight wounded. Spencer said at the time that she had carried out the attack because I dont like Mondays, which led to a hit song written by Bob Geldof for his group The Boomtown Rats.
Tayeb will portray the partner of Spencers father and perform the title song in the movie. Universal Records will release the films soundtrack.