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Great record but never liked it live, sounds like a cartoon version of the recording. Banana Republic is the song Geldof seems to mangle worst when done live. Was even doing it back in the glory days.
Great record but never liked it live, sounds like a cartoon version of the recording. Banana Republic is the song Geldof seems to mangle worst when done live. Was even doing it back in the glory days.
Great record but never liked it live, sounds like a cartoon version of the recording. Banana Republic is the song Geldof seems to mangle worst when done live. Was even doing it back in the glory days.
I could not have put it better than this Noel
As ArrGee would say it's a good time in a gig to head for the bar. Set your stopwatch for about 15 minutes to include the long embellished story about being banned in Ireland.
Great record but never liked it live, sounds like a cartoon version of the recording. Banana Republic is the song Geldof seems to mangle worst when done live. Was even doing it back in the glory days.
I could not have put it better than this Noel
As ArrGee would say it's a good time in a gig to head for the bar. Set your stopwatch for about 15 minutes to include the long embellished story about being banned in Ireland.
... and number one in Germany because they thought it was about them. They think everything is about them.
Visconti did a great job on the production. Remember the first few times I heard this on the radio, back in the day. Real shivers down the spine stuff. Still get that when I hear first bars of the record now. But live Geldof just ruins it imho.
Great record but never liked it live, sounds like a cartoon version of the recording. Banana Republic is the song Geldof seems to mangle worst when done live. Was even doing it back in the glory days.
I could not have put it better than this Noel
As ArrGee would say it's a good time in a gig to head for the bar. Set your stopwatch for about 15 minutes to include the long embellished story about being banned in Ireland.
LOL! Suss could verify this as when we were at Cadogan Hall for Geldof solo I did manage to get to the bar and back with a couple of drinks after the end of the previous song for the start and that was sat in the middle of the front row!
As ArrGee would say it's a good time in a gig to head for the bar. Set your stopwatch for about 15 minutes to include the long embellished story about being banned in Ireland.
LOL! Suss could verify this as when we were at Cadogan Hall for Geldof solo I did manage to get to the bar and back with a couple of drinks after the end of the previous song for the start and that was sat in the middle of the front row!
Listened to their 2013 version on live rats cd love it. Still feel this single was robbed of number 1 spot at time and was outselling every single at time weird eh !
I think it jumped from 9 to 3 and I thought it might have sneaked a week or two at number one, but fell back. It was very different for the Rats and got lots of airplay and very positive DJ comments, but events in New York had an effect....
Yeh we're playing banana republic on radio at time and cut song short for announcement about John Lennon remember it well had been working (on yts scheme) for few days at John menzies walsall so new job new rats single and shock of jl murder in the same week how the time flies 39 years down the line still listened to rats albums
Great pic mark brings back great memories such as corny ads for albums such as more ub40 less ub paying and human league dare to buy if you dare great times till WH Smith bought out menzies and it went down hill worked from1980till 2007! Till I got my tumours then had to give it up (WH Smith not very understanding toward sickness so got kicked out in 2008 ) then music was all cds etc and not so popular still love to play lps from the heyday of music
Great pic mark brings back great memories such as corny ads for albums such as more ub40 less ub paying and human league dare to buy if you dare great times till WH Smith bought out menzies and it went down hill worked from1980till 2007! Till I got my tumours then had to give it up (WH Smith not very understanding toward sickness so got kicked out in 2008 ) then music was all cds etc and not so popular still love to play lps from the heyday of music
Very sorry to hear of your tumours and how WH Smith treated you. Hope life treating you better now...
Thanks mark yeh ok now vey poor mobility but don't stop me listening to the best band in the world I have bad days and good days thanks looking forward to 2020 for the new stuff