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Strange this is so well hidden. Wont come up in a normal search, had to follow a YouTubers convoluted route given on the official audio page. Hence why only 65 views I suppose?
Love Gary's that's boomtown kid absolute genius luv the video hope it gets more hits as it is hard to access at moment incidentally the audio on you tube just smashed 10k so I'm pleased trying to get my son into the rats as he likes a lot of different music
Love Gary's that's boomtown kid absolute genius luv the video hope it gets more hits as it is hard to access at moment incidentally the audio on you tube just smashed 10k so I'm pleased trying to get my son into the rats as he likes a lot of different music
A great video, but trying to understand Google pulling a pallett of rocks around and the face masks references. Seems similar to Diamond Smiles, with the band observing the party goer throughout, but a less tragic end to the night, finishing at the Boomtown flat bed alive, rather than dead by a hotel bed. Simon as a doorman and Gary as a taxi driver is hilarious. Great graphics, love the way the brutalist Boomtown flats sit behind the buildings of Vittoria St and the Rotunda is in shot. Brings back memories of when I lived in Brum years ago.
Rumour has it Birmingham City Council has objected to the portrayal of a sleazy less than salubrious neighbourhood
In a statement they said the city is much improved in the last 75 years or so, stemming largely from the £1 million of improvements brought by WW2 bombing
Rumour has it Birmingham City Council has objected to the portrayal of a sleazy less than salubrious neighbourhood
In a statement they said the city is much improved in the last 75 years or so, stemming largely from the £1 million of improvements brought by WW2 bombing
The old ones are the best Suss!
When I was there, I lived in the Moseley /Hall Green area and it was not bad at all. But the bus journey into Colmore Row each day was a matter of deteriorating outlook the closer to the city centre you got. Once you were in the city, it was OK but the 60s concrete overload and design in favour of the car over pedestrians could be a bit much.
Maybe the video needed further editing. Weird that the character dialogue could be heard over the music. Also atmospheric thunder sounds at start of video not on YouTube version if I'm not mistaken?
I found the character dialogue overdub strange, it annoyingly obliterates some of the song vocals. The rain and thunder on the video cannot be heard on the audio. Not sure why the audio and video would be released a week apart? Is this the new way of doing things, to sustain interest?
-- Edited by Mark L on Thursday 16th of January 2020 11:16:57 AM
If you count both vids 1with google in. And 1on main you tube has just hit 7k views. So not too bad pity can't count original single on YouTube that had 13k alone
33,000 tonight. There seems to be 2000 people per day viewing. No sight of the Rats on the singles /download whatever charts which is a shame but maybe that will change with the release of the vinyl. Morrissey released a new single the same day virtually as TBR and has over 100,000 views. Never got him, the odd single is good, such as Last of the Famous International Playboys, featured as a new entry at 6 on the 1989 TOTP reruns recently but generally I find his style miserable and the song structures clunky, the lyrics don't scan properly etc.
33,000 tonight. There seems to be 2000 people per day viewing. No sight of the Rats on the singles /download whatever charts which is a shame but maybe that will change with the release of the vinyl. Morrissey released a new single the same day virtually as TBR and has over 100,000 views. Never got him, the odd single is good, such as Last of the Famous International Playboys, featured as a new entry at 6 on the 1989 TOTP reruns recently but generally I find his style miserable and the song structures clunky, the lyrics don't scan properly etc.
A less critical fan base? For some, Mozzer can do no wrong.
it is highly unlikely The Rats will make singles charts, but it is possible they may make the album or at least vinyl album chart if there is a snowball effect starting with the single through to 13 March. Probably a TV appearance lined up.
A friend once told me to buy his album in the 90s, I think it was Vauxhall, and said I would be blown away. It was ok to me in parts, but he would talk breathlessly about genius and such like.
After a couple of weeks watching the video I still think it is brilliant.Not sure how much radio play the song is getting though.
Bob was on Liz Kershaw's BBC6 show and Simon Logan's show on BBC Newcastle over the weekend and today. Trash Glam Baby (Radio Edit) is listed as having been played. This is presumably where sh*t is replaced with sick. BBC Radio 2 seem not to be playing it all.
Some YouTube posters speak of hearing it played on Radio Caroline.
Add these to the unlisted vid and audio comes to over 50k let's hope the vinyl version boosts it a bit more (incidentally got 2friends who ain't rats fans as such but both downloaded trash glam as they love it. Too ) still happy to be a citizen of boomtown roll on 13/3/20
Add these to the unlisted vid and audio comes to over 50k let's hope the vinyl version boosts it a bit more (incidentally got 2friends who ain't rats fans as such but both downloaded trash glam as they love it. Too ) still happy to be a citizen of boomtown roll on 13/3/20
Marvellous numbers, hoping for some chart action with the album.
Simon Logan up at BBC Radio Newcastle might very well be a big Geldof/Rats fan. His lunchtime show today featured Banana Republic, This is the World Calling and Someones Looking At You. Couldnt play Trash Glam Baby as billed as an 80s show. Thats a few more coffees ArrGee!
Simon Logan up at BBC Radio Newcastle might very well be a big Geldof/Rats fan. His lunchtime show today featured Banana Republic, This is the World Calling and Someones Looking At You. Couldnt play Trash Glam Baby as billed as an 80s show. Thats a few more coffees ArrGee!
No coffee for Fingers though. I suspect the current band would prefer Like Clockwork to be played, so only Garry doesnt get a latte. Cant imagine Gerry Cott gets too many flat whites.
i wonder if Paul Weller wrote as the cappuccino kid for that very reason?