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Hard to rate love all of them each have their merits in their own way and are all so different actually love k.i.s.s. And rock roll yeye as i say all different songs but my fave at a push would be passing through that's just me though and it's my choice
Cant believe the low numbers that some of you guys are giving
She Said No is a 9 at least , reminds me a lot of Barefootin
Think it would make a great single especially with Weinstein fresh in the press
It's an earworm of a song. When I'm not thinking of anything in particular at all, this song 'plays' in my head. A little less often, thankfully, so does Rock n Roll Ye Ye!
Just played album again still loving it she said no is amazing as are all the songs on this album got CD and gold l.p. On Saturday (and book) waiting for normal l.p. My local delivery office lost it on Sat and are rerouting it so not played on vinyl yet as I want keep gold one sealed so played on CD numerous times loving lyric book to much stuff to read listen etc mind you I'm self isolating because I'm in the vulnerable category so be able to catch up with a lot of rats stuff (incidentally Mrs Mike is looking after me and only going out shopping )so all on this forum keep well guys and think of th city of boomtown where the world is a better place
For what it's worth.... Interested in seeing everyone's ratings for new album tracks.
1 Trash Glam-5
2 Sweet Thing-6
3 Monster Monkeys-7
4 She Said No-4
5 Passing Through-6
6 Here's a Postcard-6
7 KISS-2
8 Rock n Roll Ye Ye-2
9 Get a Grip- 4
10 Boomtown Rats-5
B-side No Tomorrow Like Today-7
Are they negative numbers?
How you rated the eponymous song 5 is hard to believe. Big fat zero from me. The rest, I need another listen...
Having given Trash Glam Baby only 5 and the eponymous song (a big fat) 0, you have 65 points to allocate across the remaining 8 songs so that your album score of 70 makes mathematical sense. Your scores are awaited with interest
I've been listening to the new record alot the past week. Every Rats album for me seems to contain about 4 or 5 excellent tracks and then a few I don't take to. I think there are 5 excellent tracks. I far prefer it to Mondo Bongo which for my money only contains 2 standout numbers (Banana Republic and
I've been listening to the new record alot the past week. Every Rats album for me seems to contain about 4 or 5 excellent tracks and then a few I don't take to. I think there are 5 excellent tracks. I far prefer it to Mondo Bongo which for my money only contains 2 standout numbers (Banana Republic and
Having given Trash Glam Baby only 5 and the eponymous song (a big fat) 0, you have 65 points to allocate across the remaining 8 songs so that your album score of 70 makes mathematical sense. Your scores are awaited with interest
Too much pressure, I have to pass.
Anyway, they don't have to match, do they? Sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Having given Trash Glam Baby only 5 and the eponymous song (a big fat) 0, you have 65 points to allocate across the remaining 8 songs so that your album score of 70 makes mathematical sense. Your scores are awaited with interest
Too much pressure, I have to pass.
Anyway, they don't have to match, do they? Sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Ah yeh... Elephant's Graveyard I like. I also like Fall Down. I must admit having re-listened to the 6 albums along with the new one. Mondo Bongo really leaps out to my ears as being the weakest album. I love Banana Republic but that's about it tbh. It reached number 6 on the charts and to my mind it is clearly their worst release. I'm sure it must have put off alot of people who were disappointed by this record. Everything feels half-done and thrown together. V Deep and In The Long Grass are much more cohesive records to my ears. I'm very much enjoying Citizens of Boomtown.
-- Edited by Rats Fan on Tuesday 24th of March 2020 07:24:21 PM
Ah yeh... Elephant's Graveyard I like. I also like Fall Down. I must admit having re-listened to the 6 albums along with the new one. Mondo Bongo really leaps out to my ears as being the weakest album. I love Banana Republic but that's about it tbh. It reached number 6 on the charts and to my mind it is clearly their worst release. I'm sure it must have put off alot of people who were disappointed by this record. Everything feels half-done and thrown together. V Deep and In The Long Grass are much more cohesive records to my ears. I'm very much enjoying Citizens of Boomtown.
-- Edited by Rats Fan on Tuesday 24th of March 2020 07:24:21 PM
I don't think Mondo Bongo hung around for long though. Nothing like the 26 weeks of Surfacing or the virtual year Tonic spent on the charts.
Ah yeh... Elephant's Graveyard I like. I also like Fall Down. I must admit having re-listened to the 6 albums along with the new one. Mondo Bongo really leaps out to my ears as being the weakest album. I love Banana Republic but that's about it tbh. It reached number 6 on the charts and to my mind it is clearly their worst release. I'm sure it must have put off alot of people who were disappointed by this record. Everything feels half-done and thrown together. V Deep and In The Long Grass are much more cohesive records to my ears. I'm very much enjoying Citizens of Boomtown.
-- Edited by Rats Fan on Tuesday 24th of March 2020 07:24:21 PM
I don't think Mondo Bongo hung around for long though. Nothing like the 26 weeks of Surfacing or the virtual year Tonic spent on the charts.
Loving Mondo bongo now. Way back in the day on a cold January morning of 1981. Got it this album in boots for a wee sum of £3. 99. At 1 st I didn't get it. But would play this alot now days along to with ITLG TFTT BTRs
Ah yeh... Elephant's Graveyard I like. I also like Fall Down. I must admit having re-listened to the 6 albums along with the new one. Mondo Bongo really leaps out to my ears as being the weakest album. I love Banana Republic but that's about it tbh. It reached number 6 on the charts and to my mind it is clearly their worst release. I'm sure it must have put off alot of people who were disappointed by this record. Everything feels half-done and thrown together. V Deep and In The Long Grass are much more cohesive records to my ears. I'm very much enjoying Citizens of Boomtown.
-- Edited by Rats Fan on Tuesday 24th of March 2020 07:24:21 PM
I don't think Mondo Bongo hung around for long though. Nothing like the 26 weeks of Surfacing or the virtual year Tonic spent on the charts.
Loving Mondo bongo now. Way back in the day on a cold January morning of 1981. Got it this album in boots for a wee sum of £3. 99. At 1 st I didn't get it. But would play this alot now days along to with ITLG TFTT BTRs
You don't play Surfacing or V Deep as much then?
I often play Surfacing but blow hot and cold with V Deep. I also recall getting Mondo in January 81 from the Mander Centre (Mike will know it) - I knew I would like the 2 singles of course, but remember feeling mixed about the rest of the album. I thought Go Man Go was the obvious choice for 3rd single, but as we know, only Ireland was lucky enough to get that - in the UK, nothing seemed to happen after the surprise stalling of Guilty at 26, until the glorious Million Years. But if I was surprised at Guilty's chart peak, I would be shocked that Million Years couldn't dent the top 60.
I got mondobongo from sundown records (if I recall properly) loved the singles and go man hotties getting import from Eddington in brum he got a copy but sold it to someone when I left it a week late than I said so never went in again but got a copy a few years ago of friend on forum still loving Christmastime it constantly
I got mondobongo from sundown records (if I recall properly) loved the singles and go man hotties getting import from Eddington in brum he got a copy but sold it to someone when I left it a week late than I said so never went in again but got a copy a few years ago of friend on forum still loving Christmastime it constantly
Yeah it still listen to TFAOS. I really loved when the night comes. Nice n neat . keep it up. And sleep was Just another level. To be fair V. Deep has grown on me over the years. But why I 1 st heard it. I thought. That's it over for the rats. Love skin on skin. He watches it all. Up all nigt
Mood mambo another great song same with Go man go. Loved please don't go.where you going with that hat on your head. Down to the graveyard to visit my the dead,( what a line). ITLG. Love Hard times ( should have been a single) to good for a B side. But in saying that the rats had some great B sides.
Right here are my reviews having listened to the songs over thepast couple of weeks on youtube.....
1. Trash Glam Baby8.5Love the lyrics to this song and a good tune.
2. Sweet Thing7I heard this only a couple of times unlike one or two of the others.Reminds me in parts of NEON HEART.
3. Monster Monkeys6Personally can't really get into this one.Heard BG chatting to Janice Long and said that it was his favourite in response to JL saying the same and a few of the press reviews seem to favour this song over others that I prefer.
4. She Said No8This one has really grown on me.At first I'd have given it a 6, and who knows by the end of next week it might even be up to a 9 but I'll stick at 8 for now!
5. Passing Through8Like this one too. One of the highlights on the album.
6. Here's a Postcard9Excellent song and really like the acoustic guitar.
7. K.I.S.S.9.5This is my favourite song.I was very wary when I read the press reviews and one or two comments on this website.A Rats song with rap??? Before I heard it I had visions of one of my least favourable songs -CHARMED LIVES.....but what a great song KISS is, and I even think that the rap bit adds to the song which I never thought I'd ever say about a Rats song. Liked this song as soon as I heard it and its not diminished since. Really can't work out the animosity to this track but everyone to their own.
8. Rock N Roll Ye Ye8.5Decent song and grew on me the more I listened to it. Great chorus. This has the same affect on me as 'She Said No' as is a real grower.
9. Get a Grip7 OK as an album track but doesnt really jump out at me like some of the others.
10. The Boomtown Rats 5Never really liked this song and still does nothing for me.I heard Janice Long say that she was dancing around in her kitchen to this one but not to my taste.
Overall, Id put this CD behind Tonic (not sure you can beat that one) and their first album, The Boomtown Rats, but only just behind the latter one, which is a big complement. If No Tomorrow Like Today, which I understand was the B side to TGB had replaced the final track then I may even have placed it ahead of their first album.I hasten to add that I have not heard the B side so am going on other peoples opinions so difficult for me to give a clear and definite answer. Each of the songs is quite different so I think that most people would find something on here that they'd like.
I give this album 8.5 out of 10. To date Ive been listening to it on youtube but will definitely be buying it.
Right here are my reviews having listened to the songs over thepast couple of weeks on youtube.....
1. Trash Glam Baby8.5Love the lyrics to this song and a good tune.
2. Sweet Thing7I heard this only a couple of times unlike one or two of the others.Reminds me in parts of NEON HEART.
3. Monster Monkeys6Personally can't really get into this one.Heard BG chatting to Janice Long and said that it was his favourite in response to JL saying the same and a few of the press reviews seem to favour this song over others that I prefer.
4. She Said No8This one has really grown on me.At first I'd have given it a 6, and who knows by the end of next week it might even be up to a 9 but I'll stick at 8 for now!
5. Passing Through8Like this one too. One of the highlights on the album.
6. Here's a Postcard9Excellent song and really like the acoustic guitar.
7. K.I.S.S.9.5This is my favourite song.I was very wary when I read the press reviews and one or two comments on this website.A Rats song with rap??? Before I heard it I had visions of one of my least favourable songs -CHARMED LIVES.....but what a great song KISS is, and I even think that the rap bit adds to the song which I never thought I'd ever say about a Rats song. Liked this song as soon as I heard it and its not diminished since. Really can't work out the animosity to this track but everyone to their own.
8. Rock N Roll Ye Ye8.5Decent song and grew on me the more I listened to it. Great chorus. This has the same affect on me as 'She Said No' as is a real grower.
9. Get a Grip7 OK as an album track but doesnt really jump out at me like some of the others.
10. The Boomtown Rats 5Never really liked this song and still does nothing for me.I heard Janice Long say that she was dancing around in her kitchen to this one but not to my taste.
Overall, Id put this CD behind Tonic (not sure you can beat that one) and their first album, The Boomtown Rats, but only just behind the latter one, which is a big complement. If No Tomorrow Like Today, which I understand was the B side to TGB had replaced the final track then I may even have placed it ahead of their first album.I hasten to add that I have not heard the B side so am going on other peoples opinions so difficult for me to give a clear and definite answer. Each of the songs is quite different so I think that most people would find something on here that they'd like.
I give this album 8.5 out of 10. To date Ive been listening to it on youtube but will definitely be buying it.
Great, detailed review and the scope of what you like and don't like so much mirrors my views, although Rock n Roll Ye Ye not growing much on me yet.
I am also baffled by the negative reviews of KISS, as I think it's brilliant, very catchy. It's a 3 min gem, perfectly suited to being a pop single as they used to say.
Monster Monkeys is not so good and I was surprised Geldof said it was his favourite track. I hope to goodness it is not chosen as a single as it's timings are not suited to radio play, takes too long to get going and when Geldof finally starts singing it's sounds lazy in that Little Death style which grates on me.
Right here are my reviews having listened to the songs over thepast couple of weeks on youtube.....
1. Trash Glam Baby8.5Love the lyrics to this song and a good tune.
2. Sweet Thing7I heard this only a couple of times unlike one or two of the others.Reminds me in parts of NEON HEART.
3. Monster Monkeys6Personally can't really get into this one.Heard BG chatting to Janice Long and said that it was his favourite in response to JL saying the same and a few of the press reviews seem to favour this song over others that I prefer.
4. She Said No8This one has really grown on me.At first I'd have given it a 6, and who knows by the end of next week it might even be up to a 9 but I'll stick at 8 for now!
5. Passing Through8Like this one too. One of the highlights on the album.
6. Here's a Postcard9Excellent song and really like the acoustic guitar.
7. K.I.S.S.9.5This is my favourite song.I was very wary when I read the press reviews and one or two comments on this website.A Rats song with rap??? Before I heard it I had visions of one of my least favourable songs -CHARMED LIVES.....but what a great song KISS is, and I even think that the rap bit adds to the song which I never thought I'd ever say about a Rats song. Liked this song as soon as I heard it and its not diminished since. Really can't work out the animosity to this track but everyone to their own.
8. Rock N Roll Ye Ye8.5Decent song and grew on me the more I listened to it. Great chorus. This has the same affect on me as 'She Said No' as is a real grower.
9. Get a Grip7 OK as an album track but doesnt really jump out at me like some of the others.
10. The Boomtown Rats 5Never really liked this song and still does nothing for me.I heard Janice Long say that she was dancing around in her kitchen to this one but not to my taste.
Overall, Id put this CD behind Tonic (not sure you can beat that one) and their first album, The Boomtown Rats, but only just behind the latter one, which is a big complement. If No Tomorrow Like Today, which I understand was the B side to TGB had replaced the final track then I may even have placed it ahead of their first album.I hasten to add that I have not heard the B side so am going on other peoples opinions so difficult for me to give a clear and definite answer. Each of the songs is quite different so I think that most people would find something on here that they'd like.
I give this album 8.5 out of 10. To date Ive been listening to it on youtube but will definitely be buying it.
Great, detailed review and the scope of what you like and don't like so much mirrors my views, although Rock n Roll Ye Ye not growing much on me yet.
I am also baffled by the negative reviews of KISS, as I think it's brilliant, very catchy. It's a 3 min gem, perfectly suited to being a pop single as they used to say.
Monster Monkeys is not so good and I was surprised Geldof said it was his favourite track. I hope to goodness it is not chosen as a single as it's timings are not suited to radio play, takes too long to get going and when Geldof finally starts singing it's sounds lazy in that Little Death style which grates on me.
Totally agree. You really went into this. Timbo. Fair play.
Loving the comments on the forum about this fab album
Seems Garry wasn't too happy about KISS nor The Boomtown Rats, at one stage. This is from Classic Pop interview.
You might come to like it, like Garry, Noel?
Last time I 'tried' to listen to it I got about half way and just had to turn it off. I can understand Garry's embarrassment. I just get the feeling Bob is much more domineering and it was Pete's idea in the first place so Garry just shrugged his shoulders. Bob doesn't read the press so he can write any kind of song and then say it's great, which he does a lot of the time in regard to songs on this album. I think it's the most mediocre album they have ever put out.
Not sure about the anger and blues for today Bob and Pete think COB extols. In fact I can't see one angry song on it so mystified about these claims.
I agree Noel, There are a couple of good tracks on there but a lot of filler
Be interested in your scores for the other tracks? We only know She Said No scored 9 from you and that you 'couldn't believe some of the low scores' some were giving.....
I know we all have our own opinions of this new album. But that aside. Come on it's the rats. And they are back. Inbrase. Good or bad. Me I would take 10 bad rats albums if any geldofs solo albums. That's not to say I don't like solo Bob's stuff. That's not the case. But it was the rats I 1 st fell in love with. Geldof alone would not have made it. It was that wee gang. And that's all that matters to me.
As I said luv all the tracks and would give most a 10my least favourite is get a grip but Evan that would get a 9i don't think this album has any bad tracks at all and as I say it's in my top 3 albums by the rats
I think that's about fair , not a patch on the first 3 albums in my opinion though my mate puts it as 3rd best behind the first 2 albums
That's a score of over 60%, which is not bad. Goes to show KISS is possibly the 'marmite' track. I feel it's great and way better than Rock n Roll Ye Ye and the Boomtown Rats track.
Yes I guess its good that we all have different tastes , I would say that albums 1+2 would both get 90% plus Album 3 80% plus so its lagging some way behind