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Maybe a bit general for the Rats board, but given the choice would you rather get a refund or reschedule?
Personally, for most things I would prefer to reschedule even if I have to wait months. A few years ago, I got a Who ticket the night before a show and the next morning Roger Daltrey cried off with laryngitis. Understandable as he is the singer. Anyway as luck would have it rescheduled date was fine even though it was a Sunday rather than a Friday.
Also postponements can work in your favour. No consolation to those who wont be at the London Palladium, but as I was never going to be able to attend that date, there is a chance I could be at the next London gig.
Yes, just got last standing ticket. Not ideal, but there were no good seats left.
Lots of good seats available now, so upgraded to row B aisle seat. Just behind the seat I had for the Damned.
What do you think the chances of this going ahead are? I think quite high, but some are talking of 9 to 12 month lockdown or new autumn lockdown if any summer easing provokes viral rebound....
What do you think the chances of this going ahead are? I think quite high, but some are talking of 9 to 12 month lockdown or new autumn lockdown if any summer easing provokes viral rebound....
I dont expect much to change until June/July. it is going to be a case of managing the peak, keeping cases manageable. However judging by the way people behave around here, most will have had it by October.