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After seeing the three tracks from Citizens on youtube from Dublin. They had a magnificent energy to them. I'd love to hear any of the new tracks live just for the experience.
But in terms of older tracks. They've never/very rarely have done since the 2013 reunion.
Do The Rat
Drag Me Down
Elephant's Graveyard (I missed when they did this one)
A Hold Of Me
Blind Date
Kicks (I think they did it at Butlins but I missed it)
After seeing the three tracks from Citizens on youtube from Dublin. They had a magnificent energy to them. I'd love to hear any of the new tracks live just for the experience.
But in terms of older tracks. They've never/very rarely have done since the 2013 reunion.
Do The Rat
Drag Me Down
Elephant's Graveyard (I missed when they did this one)
A Hold Of Me
Blind Date
Kicks (I think they did it at Butlins but I missed it)
Keep It Up
Never In A Million Years
Back To Boomtown
I would completely agree with this great selection, apart from A Hold of Me. I would substitute it with He Watches it All or Hard Times. Or anything else from Surfacing they don't currently play.
I think they should definitely try out some tracks they don't normally play in general. Europe Looked Ugly, Icicle in the Sun, perhaps bring back Me and Howard Hughes. I'm curious how they'd do these, honestly..
Got up all night and Dave on live cuts very good from about 1982 and1985 they are not too bad versions (have about40concerts of rats on cdr) just finished listening bro them a couple of weeks ago on to Bob solo stuff now as I won't be able ever to get to gigs due to my condition but as long as they put them on YouTube CD etc I'm quite happy
Got up all night and Dave on live cuts very good from about 1982 and1985 they are not too bad versions (have about40concerts of rats on cdr) just finished listening bro them a couple of weeks ago on to Bob solo stuff now as I won't be able ever to get to gigs due to my condition but as long as they put them on YouTube CD etc I'm quite happy
Class. Keep safe. And keep doing the rat. You never know Bob and co might Pop up in your backyard one day
100 per cent. Rats and Geldof have always been underrated and overlooked. That's a good wee album you are listening to. Love. Thinking voyager two type things. chains of pain big romantic stuff
My fave on this album is hole to fill but like all of them not really a bad track at all on this l.p. As such then s.a.d.and how to compose and finally live target then I'll start on my vinyl collection ( is imports etc) and see how we get on
Listened to and put on to MP3 American greatest hits LP today hopefully listening to s.a.d. tomorrow might end up putting more vinyl onto mp3have a few including Ratliff EP ( which I think is fab ) anitalian compilation from1990 and of course the live 78lp and citizens etc