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Glad I got up into the loft. Going through all my old albums and came across two rats imports. Forgot I even had them. I have them on CD. But forgot I had them in vinyl. All biss
Yeh I have all 6 albums USA version on lp obviously not citizens but if a us version came out which was different to U.K. I would try and get it once we come out of lockdown but I don't think they'll do a different version
Really. Happy days. I do have ITLG And VDeep on cassette U S versions but not on vinyl. Got them way back in the day. Got them in the virgin store in Oxford Street London. Loved that store it had everything.
Agree. Been playing alot on the B side's to the singles. What get me is how people didn't get this band . A hell of a lot better than most of the sh?t that was out in the late 70s
I agree when compilation albums come out the rats were never on them yet had the most hits compared to th bulk of the artists. On thes albums people don't believe me when I say rats had about 10 or11 hits they say I'm nuts but I don't care I know how good they were and still are
I know. If you ask anyone about the rats most will say one hit wonder's with Mondays. And then geldof for doing band aid and live aid. But when you start reminding them about the other singles. It's like really. Yes really.
A Tonic For The Troops. Has Mary of the 4th form and Joey's on the street again. As album tracks ( 1st album BTRs) was never released. Mondo bongo. Has don't talk to me. And up all night as album tracks. ITLG Has Raine ( not great) Drag me down and Lucky different versions to the UK one. Which I think both tracks are much better than the UK one's.
Boomtown Rats, is the same album.
ATFTT, 10 songs, includes Joey and Mary.
FAOS, is the same.
MB, Dont Talk To Me, Up All Night(released as single in the states)
V Deep Whitehall 1212(Canadian version has Europe Looked Ugly).
ITLG, Rain(as apposed to Dave) remix of Drag Me Down (both released as singles in the States and a remix of Lucky.
Just played my us version of in the long grass actually prefer this to UK version (although uk version is still fab ) will be playing others over the next few days (although I've got all on CD still prefer vinyl versions) how all on forum are safe and well regards to all
Totally agree. And as you have said. Stay safe all you rat fans. Hopefully this will all be behind us soon. But I get the feeling there's more to this than meets the eye. So called world leaders have a lot to answer for.
Totally agree. And as you have said. Stay safe all you rat fans. Hopefully this will all be behind us soon. But I get the feeling there's more to this than meets the eye. So called world leaders have a lot to answer for.
I agree. Boris and Donald downplayed this at first. Boris spent the day shaking hands with Covid-19 patients and then wondered why he fell critically ill and nearly died. Donald called it a hoax and fake news at first. Italy was warning us and Boris put his fingers in his ears and went nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah! And he wasn't singing Someone's Looking at You!