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I hate KISS with a vengeance so please not that. I find it extremely irritating, so much for the 'blues for today' we were promised.
I'd go with Monster Monkeys even though it's a bit slow. I did actually change the YouTube settings and play it at 1.25 speed a few times. It's the best of a bad lot. Postcard is just solo Bob with a sixties vibe, and Passing Through again isn't really the Rats either. Just Bob threading ground, living in the reflected glories of Bowie, Cohen Lou Reed etc. I'm still waiting for the great leap forward.
I like Kiss very much. I hope there is another single because i will mean hopefully another B side!
She Said No does have a big swagger and for my money the best recorded guitar sound on the album. I don't know if it's quite a single. I love Here's A Postcard and Passing Through but their length probably will preclude them from radio play. I do love record it is brightening up lockdown considerably.
Wonder how many songs had been recorded? . Cos Geldofs always writing stuff. Do I'm sure there is a lot of new songs knocking about. I think if the New album had of been a hit. We might have had a good chance of a quick follow up.
Think its going to be Here's a Postcard as some very obviously clues on Rats Facebook.
100 per cent. Good wee song. Same with Passing Through. But still can't see any of them doing well. Just like ITLG. This new album was been lost. Which a pity. Two good albums wisted.
Summers day in London, all the kids are out on the street. We wish.
It just smacks of solo Bob to me. Nothing particularly inventive, original or compelling in my book. In lots of ways it's very 'safe'. It will probably get some radio play, but the old days of being excited/thrilled by hearing the Rats on the radio are long gone. I need to check but I think the good guitar part was done by a session player/guest musician.
Can only hope there will be a vinyl version with a b-side not on album
No Tomorrow Like Today is a superb B side and it would be great to have another.
My first choice for next single was always KISS, followed by Postcard and then anything else apart from Monkeys, Rock n Roll Ye Ye and the Boomtown Rats track.
I understand the comments re it sounding a bit like Bob solo, but I can live with that. Some Radio 2 play would be good. Silly Pretty Thing was played a fair bit and there are similarities with Postcard. As you say, safe enough.
The hint on Bob's Facebook page looks like it is postcard let's hope there's a good b side
I don't mind I love all tracks on citizen so I'm happy roll on Friday then say when the documentary is on and also 1978top of the pops shows this is going to be a good weekend
Bob Geldof joins Jools for a rummage in the "Later..." treasure chest, with rare archive performances from Willie Nelson, Loudon Wainwright III, Van Morrison, the New York Dolls and more!
"Later...with Jools Holland" is the UK's favourite music TV programme, with an archive that stretches back over 25 years full of amazing performances by legendary artists.
This series - and its companion shows on BBC2 - is the first to properly explore this remarkable heritage, bringing back to BBC airwaves a treasure trove of musical delights!
It's on Rats Facebook. There is a link to interview on Radio 2 Dermot O'Leary show, and the new song is aired. I think Geldof starts about 2h 11mins in.
I actually like this mix better, so am a bit more favourable towards it, in fact pleasantly surprised.
It's on Rats Facebook. There is a link to interview on Radio 2 Dermot O'Leary show, and the new song is aired. I think Geldof starts about 2h 11mins in.
I actually like this mix better, so am a bit more favourable towards it, in fact pleasantly surprised.
Thanks Noel. Often, the single edit is better than the album version with Rats' singles.
I don't suppose the new single could be made more widely available. Only available from tmstores for £12.00 including postage.
I can't even find it on their website! Another flop beckons based in no small part on lack of availability and limited advertising. I only heard about the new single thanks to those kind people linking back to here from the outrageous platform for show - offs that is Facebook. 15 minutes looking over their absurd FB pages and website, written in that strange, off-putting and irritating Sci fi writing style is a quarter of an hour too long!
So strange that Bob, who historically understood the importance of clear and intelligible band promotion and harnessing all the emerging technology, should permit such self defeating gobbledegook. Brilliant new single made better by the new edit but very sadly I have to say on any other score it probably deserves to fail.
Can't see anywhere I could buy it if so inclined. Maybe they have only released digital copies to radio stations? Not sure if pressing vinyl records could be seen as 'essential ' in these strange times.
It was always possible to download the single track anyway so the whole 'release thing' is a bit outdated and an anticlimax. I at least expected the video to be ready and up on YouTube and sent to all the music platforms just to get the word out. Having said that I think I read on FB that there might be a short delay to the video being released. On the plus side Bob was on Radio 2 and on Chris Evans Virgin radio and they both played the song, so Bob was up bright and early doing his part.
Fair enough. I hope it gets airplay. It's great Bob appearing on all these radio shows, and the DJs saying how great it all is, but then nothing. Here's another flop.
Fair enough. I hope it gets airplay. It's great Bob appearing on all these radio shows, and the DJs saying how great it all is, but then nothing. Here's another flop.
All singles are flops these days. And also many were in the past. Lee Zeppelin didn't release singles in the 1970s as they felt it would reduce their LP sales. Factory lost money on every sale of Blue Monday. In the US singles were only released to get radio play as that was what drove chart positions. Harry Styles recently sold less than 20,000 downloads in getting to #1. So at best that made £20,000. Which would barely cover production costs.
-- Edited by ArrGee on Friday 22nd of May 2020 07:50:53 PM
Fair enough. I hope it gets airplay. It's great Bob appearing on all these radio shows, and the DJs saying how great it all is, but then nothing. Here's another flop.
All singles are flops these days. And also many were in the past. Lee Zeppelin didn't release singles in the 1970s as they felt it would reduce their LP sales. Factory lost money on every sale of Blue Monday. In the US singles were only released to get radio play as that was what drove chart positions. Harry Styles recently sold less than 20,000 downloads in getting to #1. So at best that made £20,000. Which would barely cover production costs.
-- Edited by ArrGee on Friday 22nd of May 2020 07:50:53 PM
The point of releasing Here's a Postcard is to get radio play and publicity to sell the album and sell tickets for future gigs. Most true fans will have bought the album via download or vinyl. Many will listen to it on streaming services.
I listened to both interviews on Radio 2 and Chris Evans today. Geldof seemed pessimistic about the gigs going ahead in October, saying in effect that music fans would be reluctant to go out as before until it was fully safe to do so. It will probably get some airplay and maybe get a few more to buy the album or stream it. But with fans possibility unwilling to go to gigs and gigs themselves dependant on the government all clear everything remains up in the air.
Geldof seemed pessimistic about the gigs going ahead in October, saying in effect that music fans would be reluctant to go out as before until it was fully safe to do so. It will probably get some airplay and maybe get a few more to buy the album or stream it. But with fans possibility unwilling to go to gigs and gigs themselves dependant on the government all clear everything remains up in the air.
Thing is given Geldof will be 69 when these gigs are happening, he is probably more at risk than us. I cant see the general admission standing gigs happening.
FWIW I am happy to take my chances at seated gigs along with outdoor festivals and football games. But I aint doing anything else! Especially travelling on public transport to work on a daily basis.
Geldof seemed pessimistic about the gigs going ahead in October, saying in effect that music fans would be reluctant to go out as before until it was fully safe to do so. It will probably get some airplay and maybe get a few more to buy the album or stream it. But with fans possibility unwilling to go to gigs and gigs themselves dependant on the government all clear everything remains up in the air.
Thing is given Geldof will be 69 when these gigs are happening, he is probably more at risk than us. I cant see the general admission standing gigs happening.
FWIW I am happy to take my chances at seated gigs along with outdoor festivals and football games. But I aint doing anything else! Especially travelling on public transport to work on a daily basis.
I would agree with you. Do you have to use the London Underground for your commute and if so, are the carriages as crowded as usual or is there some attempt at least of social distancing?
I now think we're looking at a Spring 2021 tour at the earliest.
Geldof seemed pessimistic about the gigs going ahead in October, saying in effect that music fans would be reluctant to go out as before until it was fully safe to do so. It will probably get some airplay and maybe get a few more to buy the album or stream it. But with fans possibility unwilling to go to gigs and gigs themselves dependant on the government all clear everything remains up in the air.
Thing is given Geldof will be 69 when these gigs are happening, he is probably more at risk than us. I cant see the general admission standing gigs happening.
FWIW I am happy to take my chances at seated gigs along with outdoor festivals and football games. But I aint doing anything else! Especially travelling on public transport to work on a daily basis.
I would agree with you. Do you have to use the London Underground for your commute and if so, are the carriages as crowded as usual or is there some attempt at least of social distancing?
I now think we're looking at a Spring 2021 tour at the earliest.
Been working from home since 9 March. Last time I used public transport was to see Arsenal on 7 March. Even drove to Albert Hall to see Bryan Ferry on 13 March.
If Rats play Palladium in October, I will go. I can drive Mrs. ArrGees car. I will take risk with an aisle seat. Similar for Divine Comedy at Barbican with seats on 4 nights. Will even do outdoors Stone Valley. However not sure about Sparks and Jarv Is... standing at Roundhouse. Would be in contact with too many people.
Just to add that my last post was in answer to an earlier post from someone that though that the session player was on the 'Postcard' song. He wasn't.
Twas me. Pete Briqutte on Facebook clarified that Darren Beale played the rather good dropped guitar solo on Here's a Postcard. I had read Bob stating somewhere about a guest guitarist playing on some of the tracks and somehow I speculated that it might be on Postcard.
John Cuddeford appears on one song only,le Passing Through. Reading the album credits Geldof is down as playing guitar as well as lead vocal and harmonica.