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Best track on the new LP. In fact, one of the best songs they ever recorded. Swap Trash Glam Baby with Here's a Postcard and Side One would have been near perfect.
I think we can all agree that the rats have done well for their fans with this l.p. It was worth the36 year wait but I hope they don't leave it so long next time (or God forbid they call it a day) that we get some more stuff even if its just an anthology with besides etc I'm still playing old stuff as well it seems to have rekindled my interest( not that it went away just slowed down)in their songs am gonna start watching some of the concerts dvds I have of them keep me going for a bit longe
I think we can all agree that the rats have done well for their fans with this l.p.
Dont think everyone agrees I can think of at least one dissenting forum member and a err Amazon reviewer. Overall, it is far better than I expected. Maybe it doesnt have the same magic of the first 2 LPs, but not much has. I could live without first and last track, and the rap on KISS. And maybe Rock n Roll Ye Ye isnt as good as the others, but acceptable.
Best track on the new LP. In fact, one of the best songs they ever recorded. Swap Trash Glam Baby with Here's a Postcard and Side One would have been near perfect.
Yes, I think it is the best track on Citizens and one of their best ever. I am a great fan of TGB though. Strange how we part company on this track. That we do is covered/explained by the concept of 'IMHO' , I suppose.
I know not everyone likes the rapping o k.i.s.s. but I myself think it works with this track jmho
Yes, I agree Mike. Not generally a fan of rapping but sometimes it grabs me. Double Trouble and the Rebel MC had a 1989 hit with Street Tuff and I thought it so good I bought the album! It was not an overall good purchase.
I am a great fan of TGB though. Strange how we part company on this track.
I like the first 17 seconds and the 30 second iTunes preview. It's enough for me. No need for another three minutes. Not as bad as Charmed Lives and better than the Ratsh!t ep, but for me the album starts with Sweet Thing and ends with Get a Grip.
Best track on the new LP. In fact, one of the best songs they ever recorded. Swap Trash Glam Baby with Here's a Postcard and Side One would have been near perfect.