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Looks like due to the lockdown. I have too much time on my hands. Been going over Rats And Geldofs video's. 4 of the videos start of with rain.
1. Never in a million years.
2. In the pouring rain.
3. Room 19
4. Trash glam baby.
Don't know why I'm pointing this out. But Geldof must love the rain?
Suits his melancholy nature? Diamond Smiles video starts with a swanky car driving through the wet London streets to the hotel where it was mainly based.
Don't forget us single rain ( Dave in U.K.) he also liked ice and fire (a storm breaks) and got brought home in rain and thunder in drag me down (I've got too much time on my hands but hey there's worse things to do) all classic rats tracks some fab tunes there
You know when winter comes to visit these big cities, And the wind starts howling through the elevator shafts. Ah our love is like one of those older, colder buildings. My concrete's cracked and I begin to feel the draught.
The empty streets stripped bare the empty houses stare while the thieves and the liars of the night sneak away to steal somewhere (I though rather apt for the time)