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With The Beatles to appear along with Cliff, Oasis, Blur, Abba, Ed Sheeran, Michael Jackson, U2, Police and Westlife. Ghost Town has to be there. Blockbuster should be as well. Another Brick in the Wall a shoo in. Wuthering Heights as well. And a Grease song. Can the Rats squeeze in?
Mystic ArrGee strikes again, a difficult task here due to some bizarre choices in the rest of the 100.
Nowt bizarre with the no. 2 choice.... Ghost Town by the Specials. It was however the only way the word 'Boomtown' was ever going to be in there somewhere.
With The Beatles to appear along with Cliff, Oasis, Blur, Abba, Ed Sheeran, Michael Jackson, U2, Police and Westlife. Ghost Town has to be there. Blockbuster should be as well. Another Brick in the Wall a shoo in. Wuthering Heights as well. And a Grease song. Can the Rats squeeze in?
Mystic ArrGee strikes again, a difficult task here due to some bizarre choices in the rest of the 100.
Nowt bizarre with the no. 2 choice.... Ghost Town by the Specials. It was however the only way the word 'Boomtown' was ever going to be in there somewhere.
I think the lack of Cliff, Oasis, Blur, Ed Sheeran, U2, Police and Westlife debunks my mystic powers. Ditto Blockbuster, Another Brick in the Wall and a Grease song.
The lack of Oasis, Cliff et al debunks the notion this is a sensible trip through the best 100 number ones of all time
The deliberately provocative and obscure choices still did not entirely prevent you getting some right, a formidable achievement given some they did choose.
Unbelievable. It's a good song, but no way is it the best number one ever. There are songs with much wider and greater appeal, evidenced by their comparative chart sales, which I know is not everything but this really should have been much much further down the list.
Unbelievable. It's a good song, but no way is it the best number one ever. There are songs with much wider and greater appeal, evidenced by their comparative chart sales, which I know is not everything but this really should have been much much further down the list.
I dont think it is a good song. Just a meaningless dirge by an ex-journalist. Compare it with Come On Eileen. The Pet Shop Bots (sic) were always total dog sh!te. Their bullish!t cover of Always on my Mind exemplifies that. I never bought one of their records and never would. Even leaving my love of The Rats to one side, there are probably 100 better #1s. Amazed songs like Thatll Be The Day didnt appear at all. And neither of the John Revolting and Olivia Neutron Bomb songs made the top 100. Wouldnt have made my top 100, but more worthy than The Pet Shop Bots.
-- Edited by ArrGee on Friday 5th of June 2020 06:36:56 PM
I have just listened to Rat Trap and still find it totally and utterly unbelievable it wasnt #1 ahead of the Pet Shop Bots.
I agree 100%. I have great memories of the acclaim that me and my peers, all of 12 years old, held this song in. One wet Saturday afternoon in February 1979, a few of us were listening to Tonic and when Rat Trap came on, we were still in awe 4 months after it's peak of the lyrics, the sax solo, Geldof's vocals and the piano work. We also wondered what would come next as we had been getting used to a new single every 3 or 4 months from the Rats. We didn't know how they could top it. There were 4 or 5 of us that afternoon. By 1984, I was in the sixth form and on my own in awe of Drag me Down. OK, it was not right up there with Rat Trap, but was better than a lot of the 84 dross and worthy of a top 20 position. Happy memories.