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I agree with you this is a fab track and when you list e n to it a few times it shows how complex it is and sheer genius I think Darren brake co wrote with Bob unless I'm getting mixed up sorry should say beale
Not brake
When I first heard it, I wasn't that impressed but it has grown on me and I would now rate it at 5.5 to 6.
KISS has however been an album highlight for me from the off. The rap shouldn't work but it does, for me at any rate!
Shame that the album just hasn't resonated with you Noel, being such a committed fan and I think for you, these two songs drag it down (!) Looking at your individual track scores, these two songs aside, most of your scores are 5 or higher.
When I first heard it, I wasn't that impressed but it has grown on me and I would now rate it at 5.5 to 6.
KISS has however been an album highlight for me from the off. The rap shouldn't work but it does, for me at any rate!
Shame that the album just hasn't resonated with you Noel, being such a committed fan and I think for you, these two songs drag it down (!) Looking at your individual track scores, these two songs aside, most of your scores are 5 or higher.
It's easy to be a committed fan when the music was so good up until In The Long Grass. Waiting 35 years and then hearing some sub Joan Jett homage to rock n roll naturally has left some of us wondering. Mediocre retro glam,lazy rip off songs, bubblegum trivial concerns about 'sweet things' and hanging out in the park.
Not even sure now if Postcard and Passing Through deserve 6, now I'm thinking 5. Monster Monkeys is the only song that I bother with. The live version hopefully will be interesting.
The test of any music/album is how often one actually listens to it, and unfortunately for me Citizens has sort of left me feeling pretty detatched. At least when the next Rats album is announced I will have very low expectations. On the plus side 6 fantastic albums out of 7 is a rarity in rock music so I'll be eternally grateful for that.
PS Hope I don't come across as some sort of crank if I criticise the album or individual songs on it.
I think its embarrassing, cliched drivel. Along with KISS the worst two songs on a poor album.
Rubbish, there are two far worse songs on the LP!
I think Rock 'N' Roll Yé Yé is OK. Yes, cliched and derivative, but not embarrassing. Well not as far as I am concerned. However, I don't get the song title at all. They sing Yeah Yeah Rock 'n' Roll and it not Yé Yé. I was hoping for some retro 1960s Gainsborug/Polnareff. Something like Le Roi des Fourmis which Pulp covered. Check it out on You Tube, it's brilliant!
Mediocre retro glam,lazy rip off songs, bubblegum trivial concerns about 'sweet things' and hanging out in the park.
The test of any music/album is how often one actually listens to it, and unfortunately for me Citizens has sort of left me feeling pretty detatched. At least when the next Rats album is announced I will have very low expectations. On the plus side 6 fantastic albums out of 7 is a rarity in rock music so I'll be eternally grateful for that
I understand that, it does come across as if there isn't much to say and it's more derivative than creative, however I think the 5 tracks Sweet Thing to Here's A Postcard are up there with some of the best music I heave heard this century.
My expectations were nailed to the floor after the Ratsh!t ep and Trash Glam Baby. So you probably will enjoy the next LP if it happens. Rock 'N' Roll Yé Yé and K.I.S.S. may not be great, but they are acceptable and far better than 3/4 of the Ratsh!t ep.
Overall I think the new LP is pretty good even if not quite as good as the LPs that came before it.
Noel wrote:
... hope I don't come across as some sort of crank if I criticise the album or individual songs on it.
In my opinion. Not many rats/ geldofs songs I dislike. I don't ever play Charmed lives. And rat life. I do think back to boomtown was the best song of this ep. Should have made the new album. But I try ( like all rat fans) to give each song it's place. Some I love on 1st hearing. Some have to grow on me. B4 it hits me. Then it's like that's actually really good. 1st time I heard mood mambo I through this is fu? King great. Cos it was do different. That's what's good about them. Each album was different. Apart from the 1 st two.
Going back to the original post I like Rock n Roll Ye Ye. I can see the point raised earlier about the actual song title as its definitely sung as aye Ye Rock n Roll. However like the song.
Going back to the original post I like Rock n Roll Ye Ye. I can see the point raised earlier about the actual song title as its definitely sung as aye Ye Rock n Roll. However like the song.
Song titles often exactly reflect a small element of sung lyrics as they are heard, but sometimes they don't quite or the lyrics are completely different from the title
The Elephants Graveyard (Guilty)
Sleep (Finger's Lullaby)
The Great Song of Indifference
Whitehall 1212
Some of the classics like Space Oddity and Bohemian Rhapsody marry up with Whitehall 1212 and TGSOI and others are there or thereabouts like Rock n Roll Ye Ye and Bananarama's Na Na Hey Hey Kiss him Goodbye.