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I know I'm predictable but the I love all of the tracks but this is a good song to get you stomping to absolutely brilliant wish public in general would give the album a play
Hope last weekend's documentary and the new single rekindles interest in the new album. It only managed a peak position of 48 which is not representative of its quality imho. Amazon sales are good, not just of the new album but of the various compilation albums and Tonic for the Troops. Some compilations are doing better than others but even the 1994 Loudmouth compilation has scraped into the top 100 of New Wave. Citizens of Boomtown is number one, which makes me wonder if Amazon sales count towards the official chart positions. The cd price has dropped to £7.99 on Amazon. Surfacing seems difficult to get hold of, with the price on Amazon being £1400 + the other day.
Hope last weekend's documentary and the new single rekindles interest in the new album. It only managed a peak position of 48 which is not representative of its quality imho. Amazon sales are good, not just of the new album but of the various compilation albums and Tonic for the Troops. Some compilations are doing better than others but even the 1994 Loudmouth compilation has scraped into the top 100 of New Wave. Citizens of Boomtown is number one, which makes me wonder if Amazon sales count towards the official chart positions. The cd price has dropped to £7.99 on Amazon. Surfacing seems difficult to get hold of, with the price on Amazon being £1400 + the other day.
Hear hear. Great to see. And about this to. Well overdue. I've got the USA version of Surfacing on CD. Wonder what that would go for?
I was going to post something about SHE SAID NO as totally agree that this is a good song. Its gradually grown on me bit by bit especially in the last week when I finally got the CD as a birthday pressie, although I had listened to all the songs on YouTube before. I gave my ratings a few weeks back and cant remember the marks I gave this song but if I marked it now would give it a 9 I think. Does remind me of the aforementioned songs but for me Neon Heart has the closest connection.
Really do love this CD and a great return to form.
Right here are my reviews having listened to the songs over the past couple of weeks on youtube.....
1. Trash Glam Baby 8.5 Love the lyrics to this song and a good tune.
2. Sweet Thing 7 I heard this only a couple of times unlike one or two of the others. Reminds me in parts of NEON HEART.
3. Monster Monkeys 6 Personally can't really get into this one. Heard BG chatting to Janice Long and said that it was his favourite in response to JL saying the same and a few of the press reviews seem to favour this song over others that I prefer.
4. She Said No 8 This one has really grown on me. At first I'd have given it a 6, and who knows by the end of next week it might even be up to a 9 but I'll stick at 8 for now!
5. Passing Through 8 Like this one too. One of the highlights on the album.
6. Here's a Postcard 9 Excellent song and really like the acoustic guitar.
7. K.I.S.S. 9.5 This is my favourite song. I was very wary when I read the press reviews and one or two comments on this website. A Rats song with rap??? Before I heard it I had visions of one of my least favourable songs -CHARMED LIVES.....but what a great song KISS is, and I even think that the rap bit adds to the song which I never thought I'd ever say about a Rats song. Liked this song as soon as I heard it and its not diminished since. Really can't work out the animosity to this track but everyone to their own.
8. Rock N Roll Ye Ye 8.5 Decent song and grew on me the more I listened to it. Great chorus. This has the same affect on me as 'She Said No' as is a real grower.
9. Get a Grip 7 OK as an album track but doesnt really jump out at me like some of the others.
10. The Boomtown Rats 5 Never really liked this song and still does nothing for me. I heard Janice Long say that she was dancing around in her kitchen to this one but not to my taste.
Overall, Id put this CD behind Tonic (not sure you can beat that one) and their first album, The Boomtown Rats, but only just behind the latter one, which is a big complement. If No Tomorrow Like Today, which I understand was the B side to TGB had replaced the final track then I may even have placed it ahead of their first album. I hasten to add that I have not heard the B side so am going on other peoples opinions so difficult for me to give a clear and definite answer. Each of the songs is quite different so I think that most people would find something on here that they'd like.
I give this album 8.5 out of 10. To date Ive been listening to it on youtube but will definitely be buying it.
Thanks for the reminder. Confirms what I originally said about this song growing on me. It looks as if I got confused about the Neon Heart comparison as on reflection its definitely SWEET THING that has more in common. I can definitely see comparisons with SHEs gonna do you in