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Here's a thing I don't get. The gigs of 83/84/85. This song was always on the list. This over House on fire. Which happened to get into the top 30. But was never on the list. So the rats or geldof must have liked doing this song live. They must if heard something in this song. That my ears have yet to pick up.
Here's a thing I don't get. The gigs of 83/84/85. This song was always on the list. This over House on fire. Which happened to get into the top 30. But was never on the list. So the rats or geldof must have liked doing this song live. They must if heard something in this song. That my ears have yet to pick up.
Strange. They must have liked playing it. I thought it was a terrible choice for a single and nearly always skip it when playing V Deep. But then I usually skip Lucky off ITLG and Mood Mambo off Mondo Bongo and one or two others here and there. I never skip anything from the first three albums, maybe on occasion Can't Stop, which I am indifferent about. They must know how fans feel about it as they never attempted to put it on any of the now numerous compilation albums. It is amazing how the na na na's can work so well in one single (Someone's Looking At You) and fail so badly in this one. You're also right that House on Fire was relatively infrequently played live, yet less successful singles like Guilty and Drag me Down, as well as this one, were more regularly wheeled out.
Have to say. I for one have yet to hear a live version of house on fire. Or the rats do it at any gig. Does anyone one if there is a live version going about.
Good video too, although might have required a TOTP edit here and there
In the US, The Rats are mainly known for two songs. Mondays and Up All Night. When I was in New York back in 1991, Up All Night was still on pretty heavy rotation on MTV. I had never seen it prior to that. Amazing it never got a UK release.
Love up all night first time I heard it was mid1981 when after mondo I bought a u s import called rat tacks ep it was on there with about 4 others including real different (beside)
Nice one. Noel. That's another song I have never heard them sing live b4. Never in a million years. Again didn't get why this was not a hit. More so cos in my opinion not much good singles in 1981.
Even though it is the worst rats single it was still better than some of the junk out in 1982 would love to hear a live version of go man go and back to boomtown etc
Nice one. Noel. That's another song I have never heard them sing live b4. Never in a million years. Again didn't get why this was not a hit. More so cos in my opinion not much good singles in 1981.
Never in a Million Years live sounded pretty much like the record from what I remember. I don't have the BBC 1982 Hammersmith concert but I think I heard it somehow a number of years back.
I actually managed to download the Hammersmith 1982 concert today, as well as one from Ludwigshaven , Germany 1981.
Never in a Million Years sounds great, Bob is very impassioned, its pretty faithful to the record while having a distinct live 'feel' and an interesting little instrument flourish for the last minute.
Mood Mambo from Ludwigshaven sounds great, lots of little things going on, some actually humorous as you can hear Garry, Simon and some of the others. One of them let's out a sort of jungle/Tarzan vocalisations which is amusing. They're all really well miked up and the stereo sound captures lots of detail. At the end when Bob sings 'we go bongo crazy ' somebody, possibility Garry says 'no we don't!' Theres a great 'organic' feel with bongos and flutes, so it's a good opener.
Nice one. Noel. That's another song I have never heard them sing live b4. Never in a million years. Again didn't get why this was not a hit. More so cos in my opinion not much good singles in 1981.
I've now got another live version of Never in a Million Years, this time from S****horpe, September 1985. I can send it to you if you wish . Let me know by PM. In fact the mp3 segment also contains Dave and A Hold of Me.
It's decent quality stereo sound but was recorded by a member of the audience so there is very minor background chatter but nothing too distracting.
PS Those asterisks are not mine!
-- Edited by Noel on Sunday 7th of June 2020 05:35:23 PM
-- Edited by Noel on Sunday 7th of June 2020 05:42:00 PM
I attended this show back in the day, I am trying to download but I seem to be technically challenged, cannot get it to work. Would love to go down memory lane if anyone can help. On a different not, the new album is proving to be very enjoyable, I love it.
Nice one. Noel. That's another song I have never heard them sing live b4. Never in a million years. Again didn't get why this was not a hit. More so cos in my opinion not much good singles in 1981.
I've now got another live version of Never in a Million Years, this time from S****horpe, September 1985. I can send it to you if you wish . Let me know by PM. In fact the mp3 segment also contains Dave and A Hold of Me.
It's decent quality stereo sound but was recorded by a member of the audience so there is very minor background chatter but nothing too distracting.
PS Those asterisks are not mine!
-- Edited by Noel on Sunday 7th of June 2020 05:35:23 PM
-- Edited by Noel on Sunday 7th of June 2020 05:42:00 PM
Nice one. Noel. That's another song I have never heard them sing live b4. Never in a million years. Again didn't get why this was not a hit. More so cos in my opinion not much good singles in 1981.
I've now got another live version of Never in a Million Years, this time from S****horpe, September 1985. I can send it to you if you wish . Let me know by PM. In fact the mp3 segment also contains Dave and A Hold of Me.
It's decent quality stereo sound but was recorded by a member of the audience so there is very minor background chatter but nothing too distracting.
PS Those asterisks are not mine!
-- Edited by Noel on Sunday 7th of June 2020 05:35:23 PM
-- Edited by Noel on Sunday 7th of June 2020 05:42:00 PM
A big thank you. Noel. This is great
You're welcome. I really like the live version of Million Years from Hammersmith. The Sc_unthorpe gig is actually enhanced by the minor audience chatter, and you can pick up the esteem the Rats were held in. It's got a really good vibe and Bob is very witty .
They do Hurt Hurts at Sc_unthorpe which is a nice little surprise. Sc_unthorpe set was:
elephant's graveyard charmed lives you're lucky neon heart nothing happened today someone's looking at you dave / a hold of me / never in a million years I don't like Mondays hurt hurts / rat trap drag me down looking after No.1
-- Edited by Noel on Tuesday 9th of June 2020 09:31:46 AM