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Had anyone heard about this my son just sent a message saying rats were on list to perform( obviously in lockdown) just wondered as m not heard any thing?
Advertised on Bob's Facebook page a lot of acts on Inc from the jam big country etc watched the last one in May it was ok but some cheesy moments but you always get that (it says 80s so I wonder what track rats will do) it is on YouTube on 3/7/20 at7pm
We had so much fun last month we thought we'd do it again, so are delighted to confirm that 80sLockdownFest2 is coming straight into your living rooms on Friday 3rd July, kicking off at 7pm. We'll be having a whole evening of Let's Rock fun and exclusive performances from more of your favourite artists, plus a few surprises throughout the show. Although free-to-view, we'll be raising some much needed funds on the night for our friends at Child Bereavement UK.
We're also excited that 80sLockdownfest2 will feature the world premiere of a brand new track from Jimmy Somerville's Big Band featuring Rick Astley. All will be revealed on Friday!
The event will be broadcast across all of our social media channels from 7pm on Friday night. Details about how to watch will be available later in the week.