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Citizens for me is the Rats least essential album and apart from the songs mentioned above I never really listen to it. All great bands 'misfire' at some stage so the Rats are no exception. I'm actually surprised at how well it was received by the critics. Still hoping for some of the unheard tracks to surface and claw back some sort of victory from the jaws of defeat. Anyway I know lots of people think it's a good album and we all have different ways of judging what's good, bad or indifferent.
None of them! I would like the first and second LPs + b sides, along with Someones Looking, Banana Republic, Guilty, Go Man Go, He Watches It All, and all the singles off In The Long Grass. I think there was a perfect set list thread somewhere, I should bump it.
But if really pushed, Monster Monkeys and Passing Through. She Said No, Sweet Thing, Heres A Postcard and Get A Grip would be OK. But no eponymous song, Rock n Roll ye ye, KISS or Trash Glam.
Looks like Trash Glam Baby, She Said No, Monster Monkeys and Heres a Postcard have made the set list. Apart from Trash Glam Baby, they all work well enough in the set, even if I would prefer the older songs.
I'd have liked to have heard 'She Said No' - it would have easily fitted in to the setlist.
I loved 'Here's A Postcard' and 'Passing Through' but I can see that they might not fit in with the energy of the rest of their set although I'm sure 'Here's A Postcard' will end up in Bob's solo set.
I'd have liked to have heard 'She Said No' - it would have easily fitted in to the setlist.
I loved 'Here's A Postcard' and 'Passing Through' but I can see that they might not fit in with the energy of the rest of their set although I'm sure 'Here's A Postcard' will end up in Bob's solo set.
They played Heres a Postcard and She Said No at Stone Valley. And if you throw in Trash Glam, the eponymous song, Monster Monkeys and Get A Grip, that is 6 songs they have played live. KISS was also in the pre gig film.
I would like to hear Passing Through and Sweet Thing live, which would pretty much complete the set (hopefully Rock n Roll Ye Ye never gets a live airing).
I dont think Geldof will do another solo gig. And even if he did unlikely I would go again. Doubt it would be as good as the only one I ever went to at Cadogan Hall