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Have to like the title "The First 50 Years: Songs Of Boomtown Glory" As if there will be a second 50 years
Have to say, not my choice of the best 24/27 songs. Quite how so many post 1986 songs made it beggars belief. I guess I will end up buying it, but will probably not get played.
I am surprised that House On Fire never made it onto the vinyl as it was the last Rats song to hit the top 30 and I always thought that the 7 inch was much better than the longer album version.
-- Edited by Derek The Dane on Saturday 21st of December 2024 06:52:55 AM
-- Edited by Derek The Dane on Saturday 21st of December 2024 06:53:34 AM
Why no Never in a Million Years? One of their better singles and achieved a higher chart position than every Grass single, apart from Drag Me Down. Go Man Go was an Irish single release and also curiously absent. Why the obsession with Keep it Up making it on to each new compilation? I know most male fans are now in their late 50s and 60s but do you have to rub it in?
Why no Never in a Million Years? One of their better singles and achieved a higher chart position than every Grass single, apart from Drag Me Down. Go Man Go was an Irish single release and also curiously absent. Why the obsession with Keep it Up making it on to each new compilation? I know most male fans are now in their late 50s and 60s but do you have to rub it in?
Or is it only available as a blue tablet still?
Asking for a friend obviously.
LOL - never needed the blue ; rubbing in is sufficient
For me, there are two ways to go with best ofs/greatest hits.The first is chronological singles from first to last (pulp Hits is a good example). This is good for hearing how a band develops over time. The second is to just pick the best songs regardless of whether or not they were singles. I think the Rats would probably be better served doing this as they have had a few singles I don't think are particularly good (Diamond Smiles, Million Years, Charmed Lives, Hold of Me, everything since). I think a best of strongly weighted towards the first three albums would showcase the band at their best.
I agree that the omission of Go Man Go is strange as is sticking with Keep It Up. Personally, I would have He Watches It All and Fall Down on any best of. And House on Fire on the vinyl edition. I am utterly amazed that KISS is on a best of. And if there had to be six tracks post 1986, they could have been all stuck on side 4 rather than mixed in with the other songs. To all intents and purposes it is a different band.
On the upside, there are no bonus tracks, so I guess like Bowie Legacy, despite the Life on Mars remix, I can quite simply not buy the LP until it gets massively reduced on Amazon. That written, not bothered buying Bowie Legacy and that has been out for 8 years.
Ultimately I could just create my own Spotify playlist and not bother at all with it. I always think the Rats releases have been slightly behind the time. It would have been better to release vinyl LPs for last two compilations.
Have to like the title "The First 50 Years: Songs Of Boomtown Glory" As if there will be a second 50 years
Have to say, not my choice of the best 24/27 songs. Quite how so many post 1986 songs made it beggars belief. I guess I will end up buying it, but will probably not get played.
The Boomtown Rats 4
Tonic for The Troops 5
Fine Art of Surfacing 4 (1)
Mondo Bongo 2
V Deep 1 (1)
In The Long Grass 2 (1)
Citizens of Boomtown 5 + 1
I read the band selected the tracks on the latest best of. I suppose that explains the six songs post 1986.