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Whilst flicking through Claire Kings autobiography, I noticed a chapter about her alleged fling with Bob Geldof. This must have been around 1980-82. She mentions Skin on Skin being written about her and the fact that she was asked upto Bobs room (which at the time he was sharing with Simon Crowe)
When Bob was asked about this, he said she was just "one of the many girls" and he could not remember her at all. So she was not as special as she thought she was. She is using this connection to sell the book, of course.
I used to like her but not anymore. Its a bit pathetic to let this much time pass & then have a kiss & tell story.
I believe he had loads of affairs and I also remember Claire King as a long term and pretty one. She probably did fall in love with him. Who hasn't? She looks very like a woman who works in Ammanford at Crisp and Fry. I believe she was hurt and ended up in serious pain in a place that they described as similar to 'Hell'. Bob and the team were trying to use this space to elimiate eternal suffering. I don't know what t do to help because I meet him infrequently and can't understand what I can do to help when we do meet. Wwhen I realise what I could do I can't afford it. We should try to be more kind towards Claire King. It's not her fault she was pretty and talented at a young age.
ADMIN: I have made some minor revisions to this post, as some of the things you wrote could be construed as libellous. Of course, if you have evidence that justify the claims, then feel free to post them.
I was in the studio audience for Tubridy Tonight on saturday (an irish chatshow) & Ms King was interviewed. She said Bob got someone to ask her backstage when he first saw her & that they had a five year affair & that she didn't know about Paula. I was thinking to myself, yeah right... I mean everyone knew about Paula. She also said she finished with Bob by writting a message in lipstick on a mirror. She also said that she isn't impressed by Bobs denials & said both she & Bob know that it did happen. i remain sceptical. I didn't like her interview as a whole. She seemed to have very high opinions of herself & came across as being stuck up.
Regards, Musicmania...
“To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.” Aaron Copland.