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Voting figures in the UK have sharply declined over the past 13 years, with turnout at the last general election the third lowest since 1899! It seems obvious to those who stand back from the spin and clap trap rhetoric that the 3 main political parties are increasingly difficult to tell apart, and that the electorate is increasingly isolated from politics and feel un represented, ignored and marginalized.
Step forward Captain Sensible! Guitarist with seminal punk pranksters [B]The Damned [/B] and all round beret wearing top bloke! He has launched The Blah! Party as an opportunity for the voting British public to register their protest and distain with the current crop of political parties!
The good Captain had this to say… [B]‘Politics is dead. The British publics aren’t voting because the parties are totally ignoring their opinions. At the moment, the only real method of mass protest against this is by not voting, which is why voting figures continue to fall.’
‘But we believe that voting is an important part of the democratic process, and we want the Blah! Party to be the party of protest, a channel through which the people of the UK can vent their dissatisfaction at nonsensical everyday things, and protest against the government and that other bloody lot!’[/B]
The aim of the party is to continue the long British tradition of protest and to become the biggest political party in the UK by recruiting over 300,000 members (the party already boasts over 15,000 members since its launch just a few weeks ago!)