20th Century Masters
The Boomtown Rats
It looks like another "Best Of" cd is on the way.Entitled 20th Century Masters,The Millennium Collection.It seems like this is an American cd but as of yet no tracks are listed.It might contain songs like "Up All Night" and "Rain". Oh yes,release date is the 12th of July.
What do you think of LOUDMOUTH?.
The Boomtown Rats
What do people think of Loudmouth?.Good or Bad.No Dave but Beat Of The Night.Only one new song Crazy.Good effort or missed chanced to do something better?.I for one would have put songs like Dave,August Was A Heavy Month and Happy Club on it.
THE best rats-album
The Boomtown Rats
(can't belive we haven't had this question before, btw) so, yes...the question is simple, which rats-album is your favorite? Not counting the best of/ greatest hits! myself, I'll stick with the debut.. -- Edited by ArrGee on Saturday 14th of March 2020 01:20:23 PM
V Deep - reviews
The Boomtown Rats
I'm getting on a review-writing kick for BG/BTR stuff. So here's my review of V Deep (remastered version) - any and all opinions of this album are welcome in terms of favorite/least favorite songs, comparing it to other albums, etc... He Watches It All one of the prettier-sounding tr...
Fine Art of Surfacing -> My Very First Rats Album
The Boomtown Rats
I was at a friends house one friday evening when the show "Fridays" came on . "Fridays" was a Saturday night live kind of comedy show . The musical guest was none other than "The Boomtown Rats". They Played the song "I Dont Like Mondays" and I was hooked . I remember thinking that the singer looked like he w...
Mondo Bongo - really that bad...?
The Boomtown Rats
everyone keeps saying how bad this album is, that it´s the weakest one, but is that the opinion of everyone here? I think that there are a few good songs one it, obviously banana republic but I´ve always liked hurt hurts aswell. what do you say? -- Edited by Tina McBain at 16:34, 2005-10-04...
First album running order
The Boomtown Rats
http://www.bobgeldof.info/ratsalbums2005.htm says
The Boomtown Rats
anyone know anything about either of these?
BOOMTOWN RATS-Where's Linda Live 1982
Live show by the Boomtown Rats in Europe 1982.
1. Clockwork
2. Charmed Lives
3. Up All Night
4. House On Fire
5. Nothing Happened Today
6. Never In A Million Years
7. Sleep (I'm So Tired)
8. I...
Glastonbury BBC Transcription Album
The Boomtown Rats
I unsuccesfully bid for 1985 Glastonbury BBC Transcription album. If the winner of that item is on this list can they PM me.
Alternatively, does anyone else have a CD of this.